Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Archive for May 22nd, 2012

Especially for Foxfier!

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/05/22

And it might take someone as ruthless as a Cardassian to solve the mess Barack Obama is leaving us!

Posted in Elections, Humor - For Some, Palin | Tagged: | 1 Comment »

A Very Special Message from Occupy Wall Street Hero Jesse LaGreca

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

Famously Articulate Folk Hero Jesse LaGreca talks about his Very Sincere Opposition to Criminality, and how he Proudly Stands with an organization co-founded by a convicted bomber who blew off a man’s leg, leading him to commit suicide:

OK, so, my name’s Jesse LaGreca and I’m really proud to be here speaking out about Occupy Accountability, about the rule of law. I am standing with Velvet Revolution, I’m standing with a lot of honorable people who care about this country, and I firmly believe that without accountability, we are only faced with criminality. So if we want to be the people who move this country forward, who have an honest conversation about our future, we can’t look back on the past. We can’t say the past is behind us and we have to look forward. We have to do both. We have to make sure that justices are handed out [sic] for criminality in the past. We have to make a plan that goes forward, so that we have a viable future for the majority of people in this country. So I’d like to say thank you to everybody at Occupy Accountability, at Occupy Wall Street, and at Velvet Revolution, because it’s an honor to speak out along with you, and I think together we can get this done.

Who is behind Velvet Revolution, the organization that Jesse LaGreca is so proud to stand with? According to TIME Magazine, the organization was founded by a group including convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin:

Brett Kimberlin was convicted in 1981 of a series of bombings in Indiana. By his own account, he dealt “many, many tons” of marijuana in the 1970s. Most famously, he is the man who from his prison cell alleged that as a law student Dan Quayle bought marijuana from him. Quayle repeatedly denied the charge, and it was never substantiated. In e-mails and Web postings from Kimberlin’s two organizations, Justice Through Music and Velvet Revolution, he intersperses occasionally useful pieces of information about the problems of e-voting with a hefty portion of bunk, repeatedly asserting as fact things that are not true.

Fox News explains that the bombings were not politically motivated, but were theorized to have been a distraction from a murder investigation in which Kimberlin was a suspect. And one of the bombs blew a man’s leg off and eventually led to his suicide:

Kimberlin grew up in a suburb of Indianapolis where, just out of high school, he ran a large-scale marijuana operation as well as a health food store and a vegetarian restaurant. According to accounts at the time and public records, he became involved with an underage girl whose grandmother objected to the relationship and tried to take her away. When the grandmother was found shot to death in her garage, police began focusing on Kimberlin, who — possibly to divert attention — began an eight-day bombing campaign in Speedway, Ind.

That bombing spree did more than cause widespread terror in Speedway; it severely injured a man who had to have his leg amputated and who, unable to cope with the pain, later committed suicide. His widow sued Kimberlin and was awarded a $1.6 million civil judgment.

In the book Citizen K, by Mark Singer, it is revealed that Kimberlin declared his intent never to pay that judgment. He was reportedly thrilled when he learned about an Indiana law that supposedly made a civil judgment uncollectable if not enforced within a specific period of time. If the book is accurate, Kimberlin evaded the rule of law long enough to avoid paying the victims of his violent actions.

An observation in 1995 (1995!) by the Washington Times remains true today:

[T]hose who have befriended and promoted Kimberlin should be ashamed. Kimberlin committed a truly monstrous crime. He planted a bomb in a high school parking lot on game day -an act that was random, brutal and targeted at children. It is a testament to the viciousness of Washington politics that such a man has been embraced by some in the firmament of the Democratic establishment.


Will someone ask Famously Articulate Folk Hero Jesse LaGreca about his support for the organization co-founded by convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin? Will Jesse LaGreca demand “justices” for Kimberlin’s past criminality?

P.S. It looks like the folks behind Velvet Revolution’s Occupy Accountability web site are none too happy with Yours Truly. Apparently I am listed as one of the “Media Mouthpieces” who are responsible for the “destruction of the American way of life.”


So you know I gotta be a pretty bad guy. Fair warning.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

(In case the above YouTube video again mysteriously changes to a picture of all my facebook likers, here is the above YouTube video again, outside the “Visual” authoring window and inside my normal “html” authoring window.)

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Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin vs: Socrates/Prepostericity: The Hilarious Result

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

So Brett Kimberlin, the Speedway Bomber, got a default judgment by filing suit against a penniless man who lacked resources to hire legal counsel. Yes, he’s still a perjurer and a convicted bomber who blew off a man’s leg. Yes, he was sued for wrongful death by that man’s widow and lost — and thumbed his nose at the judgment, showing his contempt for the rule of law. Yes, his associates who claim he was exonerated are spreading falsehoods. But when the defendant fails to respond, the court issues a default judgment. It’s ridiculous, but that’s how the system works.

But guess what the final damages were? A whopping $100, plus court costs:


Above: Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin’s reward for months of frivolous litigation. Don’t spend it all in one place!Now that’s $100 too much. In a just world, Kimberlin would receive nothing but an order to pay Socrates’s court costs. But think of it this way. Having reviewed many of the court documents, I would imagine Kimberlin put in dozens of hours into the lawsuit. His remuneration doesn’t come close to minimum wage. And there’s a tiny bit of justice in that.

Any way you slice it, it’s a resounding loss for Brett Kimberlin the Speedway Bomber.

He did win this: my promise to tell you much more about the lawsuit in the future. It’s an excellent example of how the left tries to shut down truthful speech with thuggish actions like filing frivolous lawsuits. [UPDATE: More accurately, certain members of the fringe left. These tactics are neither unique to the left nor ubiquitous among all members of the left.]

But for now, I’m just going to enjoy a mordant chuckle over the $100 award.

I encourage Kimberlin’s business partner Brad Friedman and his buddies (you guys know who you are) to have a celebratory dinner to commemmorate their fantastic court victory. If they go to Del Taco on “three tacos for a dollar” night, they just may be able to afford the whole dinner on Kimberlin’s winnings alone.


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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Maher: If a Brick Came Through Rupert Murdoch’s Window, Fox News Would Be More Gentle on Wall Street People

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico. (Note: WordPress doesn’t like non-YouTube videos for some stupid reason.)

Rachel Maddow responds: Ha ha!

Transcript via NewsBusters:

MADDOW: I was thinking about that as we see Eric Cantor and these other Republican Congressmen denouncing the Occupy Wall Street people as, you know, an angry mob and somehow dangerous to the country. I wonder if a sense of dangerousness is what gives them power.

BILL MAHER: Well, yeah, I think so. I don’t think anyone feels that we’re in a country like so many in the world. Let’s remember we are luckier than most where violence is really going to rule the day and effect policy. But, yeah, people can be intimidated by that kind of thing. I mean, this idea that they’re marching now on millionaires’ homes, I couldn’t help but think of that scene in the Martin Scorsese movie “Gangs of New York” where the riots break out in New York and Martin Scorsese has that cameo where he plays the rich guy. You know, he’s in his Fifth Avenue apartment and a brick comes through the window. Well, you know, if a brick came through Rupert Murdoch’s apartment, yes, I have a feeling Fox News would be a lot more gentle on the Wall Street people.

MADDOW: [Laughs]

Bookmark this for future reference the next time you see crocodile tears cried over violent language such as “targeting” a political opponent.

P.S. Y’all are aware that Neal Rauhauser has a role in this OccupyWallStreet movement, right? And that he is working closely these days with convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin?

OK. Just wanted to make sure you knew that.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Neal Rauhauser’s New Friend: Brett Kimberlin, Speedway Bomber; Rauhauser Asks Kos Kids for a Picture of My Wife

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

Neal Rauhauser is now using Brett Kimberlin, Speedway Bomber, as a source to slander me.

If Neal Rauhauser wants to crawl into bed with a convicted bomber, that’s his choice.

P.S. They’re not really “new” friends. See: Indict Breitbart, etc.

P.P.S. He is accusing my wife of being involved in the online hoax, and asking people for a picture of her. And accusing me of being an online stalker!

When these people are doing something wrong themselves, it is their standard M.O. to accuse others of the same thing.

Speaking of which, he accuses someone else of being aware of “spoof cards” and using them to spoof numbers.

I am opening comments below.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin and the Left’s Defense of Him

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

Socrates/Prepostericity has the post.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Brad Friedman and Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin: Practitioners of the Stalking and Thuggery They Claim to Decry

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

[Welcome, Instapundit readers! This post has information about the anti-speech thuggery of convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin, and his business partner Brad Friedman, against me.]

At Big Journalism, Liberty Chick has posted on Think Progress’s whitewashing of convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin from the Chamber of Commerce/HBGary story. She concisely explains the background and echoes my findings regarding Think Progress’s decision to eliminate Kimberlin from the story:

Think Progress, a project of John Podesta’s Center for American Progress Action Fund, has been fiercely pushing a story about leaked emails that suggest the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was aware of espionage work being performed against American citizens by one of its private security firms. . . .

But the reports are noticeably silent on one crucial component of the story.

The primary focus of the Chamber’s investigation was actually none other than the organization known as Velvet Revolution, and one of its co-founders, Brett Kimberlin.

Recognize that name? That’s because we told you all about this convicted domestic terrorist, known as the Speedway Bomber, who in 1981 was finally convicted of a week-long bombing spree in Indianapolis, IN in which eight separate bombs caused extensive property damage, destroyed a police cruiser, and severely maimed a man, eventually leading to that man’s suicide.

I think Liberty Chick also makes some good observations about the tactics of the firm hired by the Chamber. Understand that they not only gathered information on opponents, but they also spoke of planting false documents purportedly by their enemies. We cannot sanction such activity, and it’s important to say so. Liberty Chick says:

In the end, I don’t agree with what HBGary Federal did or how any of the firms involved have handled this. Having been a target of such attacks myself of numerous occasions, I might have actually shared some common ground with folks like Brad Friedman and other leftists on this issue. But the left’s intentional deception makes it so difficult to do so.

To that I would add: their deception and their own use of thuggish stalker and harassment tactics makes it difficult to sympathize.

Let’s all remember how Brett Kimberlin stalked Karl Rove in a Safeway, conned Rove into posing with him by pretending to be Rove’s fan, and then took a picture of Rove’s car . . . complete with license plate. And let’s all remember how Brad Friedman published those photos on his blog.

As I revealed yesterday, Brett Kimberlin has written numerous e-mails to my bosses, complaining about me and calling me a stalker. In his latest, he said: “I have already reported him to the Bar and to the ethics board and have motions in court addressing his reprehensible conduct. He is very close to getting sued and having a criminal complaint filed against him for harassment and stalking.” In addition, two secretaries in my office told me that Kimberlin called them ranting about me, calling me a racist, a stalker, and saying he was going to get a restraining order against me. There is more.

And Brad Friedman? He sent a Twitter message to Steve Cooley complaining about me. He and his stooge Ernest Canning are constantly disparaging me in a dishonest manner while using my full name and job title — a tactic they share with the Charles Johnsons and Jeff Goldsteins of the world.

There is much, much more to their intimidation tactics. I’m not discussing it all publicly now. Subscribers who want further details are welcome to e-mail me for the full scoop. The stuff I’m not putting in the post is way worse.

So, while I totally disagree with the tactics of HBGary Federal, I also totally disagree with the stalkerish, dishonest, and thuggish tactics used by Brad Friedman and his business partner, Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin.

They are what they decry.

Not to mention: setting off bombs is a fairly serious form of harassment. And Kimberlin was convicted of doing that . . .

P.S. I should add that this current campaign of harassment is merely a microcosm of what Shirley Sherrod is doing to Andrew Breitbart. Just when he is breaking the Pigford story wide open, Sherrod is suing him. Could it be any clearer what she’s trying to do? Silence him — just like Kimberlin is trying to silence me and Liberty Chick with threats of frivolous litigation.

Thank God for people like Andrew Breitbart and Liberty Chick, who stand up for what’s right despite the risks. And for people like Ron Coleman, my lawyer in the Kimberlin matter, for standing up for me.

UPDATE: Thanks to Instapundit for the links. Please consider bookmarking the main site, and follow my updates on Twitter here.

You can read the other related Think Progress post here. My backgrounder on convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin, who is threatening to sue me for telling the truth about him, is here. He is a serial litigant who has filed over 100 lawsuits, so I am expecting this will happen soon.

Finally: although I have pro bono counsel, I would certainly welcome any help towards litigation costs and the cost of local counsel. If you want to help out, the donation buttons are on the right. Please consider becoming a “subscriber” and making a recurring donation of $9 per month. I expect to give special non-public litigation updates to subscribers if the lawsuit is filed.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

Posted in Brett Kimberlin | Tagged: , | 3 Comments »

Think Progress Makes a Martyr Out of Brad Friedman, While Censoring Any Mention of His Business Partner, Convicted Bomber Brett Kimberlin

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

[Welcome, Instapundit readers! This post has information about the anti-speech thuggery of convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin, and his business partner Brad Friedman, against me.]

Think Progress is making Brad Friedman into a martyr by pretending that the Chamber of Commerce is targeting Friedman and his “family.” But what Think Progress isn’t telling you: the Chamber of Commerce was far more interested in Friedman’s business partner, convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin.

Think Progress published parts of internal Chamber of Commerce e-mails talking about Friedman. But what Think Progress hides from you is that the Chamber was actually primarily interested in Kimberlin. They described Kimberlin as having “a bit of a checkered past and has been associated with some more radical and violent activities.” That’s a pretty mild description of a guy who set off several bombs, one of which blew off a man’s leg. Meanwhile, they were very kind to Friedman, describing him as “much more mainstream” and someone who “can often be seen on many of the political talk shows.”

Their focus was Kimberlin. But Think Progress cut out any mention of Kimberlin. Entirely.

Luckily, you have me here to tell you what Think Progress won’t.

Here’s the background.

You may recall that Larry O’Connor published a post in October titled Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist Behind Anti-Chamber of Commerce Internet Campaign:

Has the White House been influenced by a convicted domestic terrorist for its attack on the Chamber of Commerce?

The latest assault on the Chamber has been spear-headed by none other than the President himself and picked up by David Axelrod, and all the usual Astro-Turfers who receive marching orders from the DNC. . . .

But one group was well ahead of the curve on this movement to stop the Chamber of Commerce. In fact, they even own the URL “”. That group is the infamous Velvet Revolution headed by convicted violent criminal and bomber, Brett Kimberlin. In her extensive and detailed article on Kimberlin and his past violent crimes, Liberty Chick noted that left-wing blogs and main stream media organs routinely site Kimberlin and his partner, Brad Friedman as legitimate sources and as normative “watch-dogs” over-seeing right-wing election shenanigans. The problem is, Kimberlin is a convicted domestic terrorist who has been described as a habitual liar by those who have looked into his past.

It is perhaps no surprise that the Chamber of Commerce was interested in knowing who their opponents were, and late last week Think Progress reported that the Chamber was “working with set of ‘private security’ companies and lobbying firms to undermine their political opponents, including ThinkProgress.” Think Progress expressly labeled one of the opponents as Brad Friedman:

Another target was Brad Friedman, co-founder of The Brad Blog. Barr’s profile of Freidman included information about his life partner and his home address (sensitive information redacted by ThinkProgress):

Think Progress then published a (redacted) screenshot of an internal e-mail from one of the security companies, which had the previously described information about Friedman.

How did Think Progress get the e-mails, you might wonder? Did the security company accidentally forward their e-mails to Think Progress? Mmm, not quite. In the post that mentions Friedman, Think Progress describes the e-mails simply as “e-mails obtained by ThinkProgress,” but if you follow the link back to their original expose from earlier Thursday, you’ll see that members of a hacking group called “Anonymous” hacked into the e-mail of executives of one of the private security firms and published thousands of company e-mails.

In other words, the astounding invasion of Brad Friedman’s privacy — namely, a private investigator snooping on him — was revealed through the hacking of company e-mail. No privacy breach that.

In any event, Brad saw a cross and rushed to throw himself on it. He has published several posts referencing the discussion of him, and even ran to Democratic Underground to shout: U.S. CHAMBER’S THUGS TARGETED ME & MY FAMILY, NOW BRAD BLOG IS DOWN. Brad darkly insinuated that his site had been hacked, and even DU members were suspicious. One wrote: “Nobody has taken away your freedom of speech, Brad. Your Web host has shut down your site.” And then a guy called Vinnie from Indy had the gall to mention . . . Brett Kimberlin, saying: “Brett Kimberlin, I believe, is the other co-founder of the VR site with Brad.” Vinnie from Indy then linked a Google search for “Brett Kimberlin Speedway bomber.”

It’s weird how people from Indiana tend to remember him.

Regular readers of this site are familiar with Kimberlin. If you need a refresher, read this post. In short, Kimberlin set off numerous bombs, blowing the leg off a man with one of them. He later killed himself. The local paper reported that Kimberlin planned a murderous escape from prison, and was a suspect in arranging the shooting murder of an elderly woman.

Now he is partners with Brad Friedman.

Do you think the Chamber of Commerce was interested in Brett Kimberlin? Or Brad Friedman?

Think Progress mentioned only Brad Friedman in their post. But that e-mail they took a screenshot of? Here’s how that e-mail begins:

(Click to embiggen.)This is the e-mail that describes Kimberlin as having “a bit of a checkered past and has been associated with some more radical and violent activities,” while describing Friedman as “much more mainstream” and someone who “can often be seen on many of the political talk shows.” You can click the image to read all of this.

If you want to see the entire e-mail, with appropriate redactions of personal information, you can see it here. Anonymous has put the hacked e-mails online, and they can be searched here. (I could give you a direct link to the unredacted e-mail, but I won’t.)

The salient point is this: there is not one word about Kimberlin in Think Progress’s post, even though Kimberlin was clearly the Chamber’s primary focus.

The left has been covering up Kimberlin for years. Friedman himself is deathly afraid that people will learn about Kimberlin’s past — so much so that he censors mention of Kimberlin in his comments. For my efforts in shining the spotlight on this violent and dishonest man, Kimberlin has threatened to sue me, and has written numerous letters to my bosses at my office, accusing me of stalking him and the like. It is guaranteed that this post, which makes a legitimate point about a site’s censoring of important information on a topic of public interest, will lead to another e-mail to my boss.

So be it.

His goal is to shut me up.

That’s not going to happen.

Maybe Think Progress will bury the truth about Brett Kimberlin.

I won’t.

P.S. Thanks to Ron Coleman of Likelihood of Confusion, who has agreed to represent me in any suit that Kimberlin might file. Coleman has an excellent reputation for handling blog-related litigation, and his blog is a new addition to my blogroll. Be sure to check it out.

P.P.S. Thanks to Liberty Chick for performing the redactions. After I found the e-mail that mentioned Kimberlin, I told her about it. She may have more today at Big Journalism.

UPDATE: Thanks to Instapundit for the links. Please consider bookmarking the main site, and follow my updates on Twitter here.

You can read the other related Think Progress post here. It is a post that details the anti-speech thuggery that convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin and his business partner Brad Friedman engage in towards critics like me, even as they decry similar behavior in others.

My backgrounder on convicted bomber Kimberlin, who is threatening to sue me for telling the truth about him, is here. He is a serial litigant who has filed over 100 lawsuits, so I am expecting this will happen soon.

Finally: although I have pro bono counsel, I would certainly welcome any help towards litigation costs and the cost of local counsel. If you want to help out, the donation buttons are on the right. Please consider becoming a “subscriber” and making a recurring donation of $9 per month. I expect to give special non-public litigation updates to subscribers if the lawsuit is filed.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Brett Kimberlin Update: Liberty Chick Threatened with Lawsuit

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

I meant to post this earlier, but Liberty Chick, author of Big Journalism’s takedown of Brett Kimberlin, posted this message on Twitter the day before yesterday:

Yes, the rumor is true. I got this same threat as @Patterico What can I say, sources are all right there in the post.

I knew this the same night I received Kimberlin’s legal threat against me, but I didn’t want to say anything until she was ready to make it public.

By the way, I received my copy of “Citizen K” in the mail today. When I return to the blog in a couple of weeks, I expect I will have read it. I am about to learn a lot more about our friend the convicted bomber.

Finally, I said in a post the other day that one of the directors of Velvet Revolution that “it appears” that one of the directors was Jeff Cohen of FAIR and formerly of Fox News Watch. Cohen e-mailed me today to say that was wrong, and I immediately corrected the error, but wanted to make the correction prominent in a new post. I thought it was odd, since I always sort of liked Cohen despite his crazy politics. I should have looked at the proof underlying that assertion more carefully and I regret the mistake.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

Posted in Brett Kimberlin | Tagged: , | 19 Comments »

Velvet Revolution’s Ben Gelt and His Arrest for Drug Trafficking

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

Here are the articles of incorporation for Velvet Revolution. You can see that the original directors were Brad Friedman, Ben Gelt, Jeff Cohen, and Brett Kimberlin.

Ben Gelt is the son of a former Denver city councilwoman and lawyer:

All politics are local: While Michael Huttner’s homegrown political movement — formerly the Rocky Mountain Progressive Network, now — continues to grow (see City Limits), another native son has started his own political nonprofit. Ben Gelt, son of former Denver city councilwoman Susan Barnes-Gelt and powerhouse lawyer/Dem Howard Gelt, has been involved in politics since he was born. Now, at the ripe age of 23, he’s started the Velvet Revolution, which aims to raise awareness about voter-fraud issues in the past three elections.

Ben Gelt was also arrested for drug dealing:

Ben Gelt is not a typical college sophomore. . . . Gelt’s career as a youth-activist star didn’t stop when he enrolled at American University (AU) almost two years ago. Last year, he contributed to a Bush administration report on youth violence. And in February, Gelt, 20, joined Secretary of State Colin Powell at a so-called youth summit organized by Rock the Vote and MTV.

Less than a week later, Gelt would add yet another distinction to his ambitious resume: alleged drug dealer.

On Feb. 22, more than two dozen officers from the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and the Drug Enforcement Agency stormed the dorms at AU in a late-night raid that had been in the works for nearly two months.

What they found was a drug-sniffing dog’s dream: an unspecified amount of marijuana, opium and other narcotics, tabs of Ecstasy, drug paraphernalia, and more than $15,000 in cash. By the end of the night, cops had arrested Gelt and five other students and had seized a car allegedly involved in what they deemed a significant drug operation.

. . . .

Gelt was charged with distribution of opium, a felony in the District, and spent the night in jail. Later, however, prosecutors at the U.S. Attorney’s Office changed the charge against Gelt to possession with intent to distribute marijuana, a misdemeanor. Because the threshold for a felony in the District is a half-pound of marijuana or more, it appears that Gelt, who pleaded innocent to the charges, was caught with a fairly small amount of the drug. His trial is set for April 19.

Prosecutors are less clear on why the opium charge against Gelt didn’t stick. Channing Phillips, a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, says that prosecutors file charges on what they believe they can prove at the time an individual is arraigned. But Phillips notes that federal law requires a grand jury to investigate possible felony cases, and though he will not comment on whether a jury has been convened to investigate the AU drug bust, he says that further charges against Gelt could be pending.

. . . .

Although Gelt did not respond to interview requests, his parents, who are footing the bill for their son’s defense, are talking. His mother, Susan Barnes-Gelt, is a member of the Denver City Council and has been mentioned as a potential mayoral candidate. Howard Gelt, Ben Gelt’s father, is a former chair of the state Democratic Party in Colorado. Both say their son is a good kid, not the brains behind a major drug operation.

Gelt later pled to possession of marijuana. A drug-trafficking charge was dismissed.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

Posted in Brett Kimberlin | Tagged: , , | 1 Comment »

Joe Gelarden, Indianapolis Star Reporter Who Covered Brett Kimberlin, Weighs in on the Kimberlin Saga

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

Over the weekend, I spoke with Joe Gelarden, the reporter who covered the Brett Kimberlin saga for the Indianapolis Star in the early ’80s.  Here is a clip from an eye-opening story written by Mr. Gelarden (.pdf) that details Brett Kimberlin’s alleged murderous plots to escape from prison and exact revenge on his enemies:

Yesterday I sent Mr. Gelarden a link to my post on Kimberlin, as well as links to Liberty Chick’s post and my post about Kimberlin’s threat to sue.  I asked Mr. Gelarden for a reaction, and he sent me the following, which he was kind enough to authorize me to quote:

I have little sympathy for folks who plant bombs in public places, whether in Baghdad, Times Square, the London Subway or in a suburban shopping center in the heartland of America. I would hope those convicted while enjoying all the safeguards of the federal judiciary, learned their lessons in prison, and have become productive useful citizens.

I also hope those who have injured others along the way, would pay legally imposed damages to innocents they have injured.

I seem to remember that the DeLong family was trying to pick up a gym bag in a parking lot they thought had been dropped by a forgetful teenager. Their only crime was to attempt to save some other family the cost of a new pair of $50 sneakers. I believe the pain from the Speedway bomb blast was the direct cause of Carl DeLong’s suicide.

As for BK, and his claims of libel and character assassination, I seem to recall he was convicted of perjury in federal court before he got out of high school. I seem to remember his other claims seemed to vanish under close scrutiny. James Whitcomb Riley, the famed Hoosier Poet of the late 19th century once said: “If I see a bird that walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.”

‘Nuff said.

Joe Gelarden

I thank Mr. Gelarden for his time.

I am confident that we have not seen the end of this story. Stay tuned.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

Posted in Brett Kimberlin | Tagged: , , | 6 Comments »

Blogger Tangles with Terrorist

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

Blogger Rusty Shackleford at The Jawa Report had a long and protracted blog war with a fellow named Samir Khan. Now Khan admits he is in Yemen and has joined al Qaeda. Details here.

No word on whether Samir Khan has threatened to sue Rusty for telling the truth about him, the way convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin yesterday threatened to sue me for telling the truth about him.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Brett Kimberlin Threatens to Sue Me; UPDATED with Second E-Mail from Kimberlin

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

Just got this e-mail:

To Patterico:

Please take this email as an intent to sue you for your Oct 11, 2010 post on which has defamed and libeled me. I have just sued Socrates on which you rely for cyber stalking, defamation, libel, violation of privacy and interference with business. Socrates has been banned from many sites and forums for stalking many people including me. He is under criminal investigation for cyber bullying and cyber stalking. By corresponding with him and relying on his defamatory posts, you are conspiring with him and are just as liable as he.

Most of the things you write about in your post are false. If you have not removed the defamatory piece within 24 hours, I will proceed with legal action against you and will serve notice on your service provider that you are violating your terms of service by engaging in false, defamatory and abusive postings.

Let me assure you that you are not the first blog that has posted lies about me, yet each of them has removed the offending posts once I alerted them to the facts about Socrates and his spreading of lies.

Also, please provide me with your full name and address.

Thank you,
Brett Kimberlin

My response:

My post is based primarily on a number of published news articles. I ask you to specify anything in my post that you claim is false. If I have made any mistakes I am always happy to correct them. But I won’t take down anything that is true.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Kimberlin is referring to this post of mine in which I discussed his history as a convicted bomber, drug smuggler, perjurer, and suspected murderer.

If he actually sues, I’ll let you know. I may need to establish a litigation fund. (PayPal buttons are on the right.)

UPDATE x2 9:21 p.m.: Just got this e-mail:

I appreciate the quick response. Most of the information in the post is false. As noted, I put up with Socrates’ shit for too long, and finally sued him, he has been polluting the Internet with lies about me and Brad and now he gets a chance to defend it in a court of law.

I have no beef with you and I never even heard of you or your blog until today when I got the Google alert. I don’t want to get into a pissing match with you. I have filed over a hundred lawsuits and another one will be no sweat for me. On the other hand, it will cost you a lot of time and money and for what. I run a small non profit that works to inspire youth to get involved. I have only met Brad Friedman one time in my life. Your piece is a smear job against both me and Brad. I have gotten death threats all day today because of your and Liberty Chick’s post and I have to meet with the FBI tomorrow to give them copies. Have I ever posted anything, anywhere? Have I ever said or done anything to you?

Maybe you have some beef with Brad, but going after me to get to him is really a shameful way of resolving it. I can tell you for a fact that Brad Blog, Daily Kos, HuffPo, RawStory, and DU have all removed these type of posts once they were advised that they were false and that Socrates was behind them. I really urge you to pull the post and not post anything more about me.

Politics aside, I can see you are very passionate about what you do and I respect that. I would be happy to meet you, shake hands, have a beer or soy chai, and just have a chat.

Thanks Pat.

My response:

Once again: my post was based primarily on published news articles. I repeat: please specify anything in my post that you claim is false. I will correct mistakes if there are any, but I will not remove the truth.

There are obviously a lot of other things I could say. But I am going to leave it at that for now.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Brad Friedman’s Terrorist Pal Posing with Karl Rove

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

If this doesn’t creep you out I don’t know what will. It’s Brad Friedman’s terrorist pal Brett Kimberlin posing with Karl Rove:

Yeah, Brett the Bomber even got a picture of Rove’s car, complete with license plate. (I blacked that part out.)

Brad has the whole amusing and heartwarming story here.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Brad Friedman Moderates Comments That Mention His Terrorist Pal

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/22

Originally published by Patterico.

A picture is worth a thousand words:

Note how the comments mentioning “Brett Kimberlin” or “Velvet Revolution” are moderated, while the other one is not.

Friedman will tell you that he has mentioned Kimberlin before and is not afraid of having the association mentioned.

So why censor any mention of his bomber friend or the site they founded together?

Socrates got the same results.

Thanks to Dustin and Socrates for carrying out this experiment.

UPDATE: A commenter objects that we didn’t isolate the name “Brett Kimberlin” alone. Actually, we did:


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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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