Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Archive for May 26th, 2012


Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/05/26

I noted, in this footnote, that I would be taking my truck to Pep Boys for two new steering tires and a front-end alignment. I called then around 0845 and set an appointment for 1100; I had to work this morning, and didn’t think I could get there much earlier than that. Setting an appointment is something that Pep Boys offers, and you can do so online, so this was not something some low-level clown did over the phone for which he had no authority.

I arrived at the Pep Boys at 1901 MacArthur Road in Whitehall, Pennsylvania at about 1040, well before my appointment; I was not late. I went to the service desk and checked in, noting that I had an appointment for 1100.

1100 arrived, and they hadn’t put my truck into the service bay. While I am not a patient person, I was certainly willing to cut them a break on fifteen minutes or so.

At 1130, they had not pulled my truck into the service bay, and there was no empty bay. By this time, I was starting to get annoyed.

At noon, they had still not pulled my truck into the service bay. Now, I was getting seriously annoyed. At 1215, I got up and walked/stalked over to the service desk and the gentleman guy who had checked me in said, “They’re pulling in into the bay now.”

I walked outside. No, they were not pulling my truck into the service bay, and all of the bays were still full, though it did look like they were finishing up on a couple of vehicles. At 1225, 85 minutes after my appointment was scheduled, they pulled a car out and came for my truck.

Now, when I had set the appointment, I specifically asked how long it would take, and was told about 1½ hours. I went back to the waiting area, with its uncomfortable chairs and dearth of reading material about anything other than cars. At some point over an hour later, I went outside and looked, and there was my truck, outside. I thought it was done. WRONG! They had to pull it into another service bay to do the wheel alignment . . . and that bay was still occupied.

In the end, my 1½ hour service appointment, set for 1100, finished at 1430. And I will tell you, right now, that I will never go back to Pep Boys, I will not buy so much as a valve stem cap from them ever again, and I urge everyone who reads this to never, ever, ever! give Pep Boys any of your business, ever again.

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Teresa, I Like Your Style (Brett Kimberlin Related)

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/26

What you say is true – this isn’t a “left” or “right” issue. These are truly sick individuals that neither side wants to claim.

I’m sorry that all of this has happened to you and to so many others in the blogosphere. Please know that there are lots of people who have got your back. If you need anything, PLEASE let us know.

We may be a bunch of pajama-wearing knuckle-draggers, but these people need to know that now they are messing with the WHOLE trailer park….

My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. We’ve got your back –

Comment by Teresa in Fort Worth, TX — 5/25/2012 @ 8:07 am

I definitely like your style, Teresa. It’s mocking and humorous without detracting from the seriousness of the situation.

We are Breitbart.
I am Spartacus.
Army of Davids doing battle.

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