Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Archive for May 23rd, 2012

Brett Kimberlin Related Link Activity

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/23

Truth Before Dishonor has recently republished a multitude of Brett Kimberlin articles, and has given blanket grants to quote in toto those Kimberlin articles. See the permissions declaration. And Truth Before Dishonor has received a flurry of visits due to Brett Kimberlin related links from elsewhere. This is to give publicity to those traffic-generating links.

American Thinker
Lee Stranahan
Nice Deb
American Power blog
Film Ladd

I also know Head Noises has specifically reblogged (using the blanket permission I provided to everyone) one of TBD’s Kimberlin articles while referring to TBD in another Kimberlin article.

Posted in Blogging Matters, Brett Kimberlin | Tagged: , | 1 Comment »

Friday, May 25th Is “Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day”

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/23

Originally published by Lee Stranahan.

Brett Kimberlin is a convicted bomber, perjurer and left-wing attack dog. He’s attacked — in no particular order — conservative bloggers like Andrew Breibart, Patterico, Liberty Chick, Aaron Worthing, Stacy McCain and others.

Here’s a short, easy to follow video I put together on Kimberlin:

This is no war of words; Kimberlin is a serial litigator who has filed over 100 lawsuits by his own account and he takes people to court, claiming they are harassing him. He calls their employers.  I stand with all these people, some of whom are my friends. I’m launching a new effort on my own that I hope will help.

The only effective way I to fight Brett Kimberlin is for as many people to research and write about him as possible. 

So I’m declaring this Friday, May 25th as Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day.

Here’s what you do to take part…

  1. Research Brett Kimberlin on your own. Don’t trust secondary sources; look for the orginal articles articles published about him, too.
  2. On Friday, May 25th — write an honest, factually accurate post about what you learned and what your OPINION is. Brett may try and sue you, so be accurate, factual and separate fact from opinion.
  3. The post doesn’t have to be long — ANYTHING helps.
  4. After you post, Tweet, share, whatever — get the post out there.
This foolishness has gone on long enough.

Creative Commons License
Everyone Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day by Lee Stranahan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

That means you can repost this anywhere you like. Read comments to see why you care.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Michelle Malkin on Brett Kimberlin Crew’s Harassment of Bloggers

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/23

Originally published by Patterico.

Few people have endured more harassment for their opinions than Michelle Malkin. I spoke with Michelle on Monday for over an hour about the harassment several of us have suffered at the hands of Brett Kimberlin and his supporters for about a year and a half now. Michelle has a blog post up now about the harassment, and she is right on target:

I have spoken directly with both Patterico and Aaron about their ongoing battles.

The mainstream press, not just the conservative blogosphere, needs to hear and report their stories.

This is a convoluted, ongoing nightmare that combines abuse of the court system, workplace intimidation, serial invasions of privacy, perjury, and harassment of family members. McCain was forced to move with his family out of his house this week, and has just gotten a small taste of what Aaron and Patterico have been enduring over the past year. Aaron and his wife were fired from their jobs after their employer feared the office would be targeted next. Convicted bomber Kimberlin has filed bogus “peace orders” against Aaron, when it is the Walkers who are the victims, not the perpetrators.

And Patterico’s plight will send chills up your spine when he is ready to tell it.

Emphasis is Michelle’s.

I want to emphasize that conservative bloggers are not the only victims. A small and very left-leaning blogger is the only one to have been sued by Kimberlin. Kimberlin threatened a left-leaning lawyer with workplace harassment and a possible bar complaint simply because she helped Aaron try to keep his identity and personal details secret from this convicted bomber.

And yes, my tale should be coming soon. The restrictions which previously held me back are no longer in place, and I am simply working on telling the story in a coherent fashion, with very little time I have to devote to the project. A rough draft has been sent to various people, so that the story would come out even if an unfortunate accident were to befall me.

Thanks to Michelle for her support. It means a lot.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Brett Kimberlin Harasses Stacy McCain By Contacting His Wife’s Employer

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/23

Originally published by Patterico.

Stacy McCain:

Convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin on Monday continued his effort to silence those who write about his criminal past by contacting my wife’s employer, claiming that I was “harassing” him. The resulting security concern required immediate relocation if I was to be able to continue writing about the case of Kimberlin, a violent felon, perjurer and admitted tax cheat who is employed as the director of a 501(c)3 non-profit that has collected $1.8 million in contributions since 2005.

Harassing family members; claiming that truthful criticism is “harassment”; taking complaints to a critic’s workplace . . . all of these tactics fit a pattern some of us have witnessed for months. Stacy is not the only one to suffer through this sort of treatment. He’s just the latest.

Kimberlin’s associates have asked for pictures of my wife; mentioned the names of Stacy’s children; outed a commenter of mine and made references to his family; made references to Aaron’s wife; and so forth. They love bringing family into these battles. Again, it’s part of a pattern.

This is what your “non-profit” money buys, donors! Be proud!

You’ll hear about all of it in coming days and weeks. But bear with us. The harassment has been an almost daily occurrence for almost a year, so there’s no way the whole story can be told in a short post or two. But it will be told.

Ace wants people to cover this, and says that those who don’t are acting like the bystanders in the Kitty Genovese case:

It is very easy to decide “this isn’t any of my trouble” and permit vicious behavior.

Easy. Perhaps understandable.

But hardly ethical. And certainly not heroic.

Who wants to get involved? Easier, and surely safer, just to duck one’s head and hide, and hope the danger visits someone else.

Perhaps the alligator will prefer to eat someone else first. Perhaps his belly will be full.

And why should you stick your neck out?

Hey, it’s not like the Conservative Media is supposed to cast a spotlight on injustice, stick up for the common man abused by bullies, or fight leftist outrages.

It’s not as if we’re supposed to fight the fights that others shy away from, right?

We’re all just supposed to sit back and let the traffic money roll in.


It’s easier that way. A few victims here and there aren’t our concern. We’ve got bigger things to worry about. We’ve got to keep focused on The Big Things, which just happen to be, felicitously enough, the things that won’t draw any heat.

Lee Stranahan has stepped up, with this video:

I will repeat a couple of points. First, this isn’t about dredging up a crime that happened 34 years ago. Kimberlin has done plenty since then. He made claims about selling pot to Dan Quayle — claims that the lefty author of a book about Kimberlin believes are false. He deceptively avoided paying a wrongful death judgment to the widow of the man he blew up. He sued a small-time blogger in 2011 for telling the truth about him, and made several false statements about his history under oath in an effort to win a large cash judgment. He made several provably false statements regarding his encounter with Aaron Walker, in an effort to get the State of Maryland to prosecute Walker. He has regularly defamed, harassed, and stalked people who criticized him.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, folks.

One more point that I have made before and will make again: this is not about partisan politics. Kimberlin thuggishly went after a left-leaning attorney who represented Aaron pro bono. He went after the lefty author of the book Citizen K. I believe this country is filled with millions of honorable people with left-leaning beliefs who would never tolerate the kind of behavior we have seen from this man.

Brett Kimberlin has no politics. He is all about making money. Don’t make this into a partisan battle. That’s what he wants.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Brett Kimberlin’s Latest “Peace Order” Against Aaron Walker Is Retaliation for Truthful Speech

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/23

Originally published by Patterico.

The last time Brett Kimberlin was in a Maryland court trying to get a peace order against Aaron Walker, the judge told him in no uncertain terms that people are allowed to truthfully criticize others in America. The judge explained to Kimberlin that truthful criticism is not the basis for a peace order.

Now Kimberlin is back in court, once again seeking a peace order because Aaron is truthfully criticizing him.

Aaron has Kimberlin’s application for a peace order up at his site. I encourage you to read the whole thing. One of the things that Kimberlin complains about is that Aaron has called Kimberlin a terrorist:

“Terrorism” is a fair way to describe what Brett Kimberlin did to the town of Speedway, Indiana in 1978, when he set off eight bombs over the course of several days. Kimberlin has been convicted of those bombings, one of which blew off the limbs of a Vietnam veteran named Carl DeLong, who committed suicide as a result of his injuries. Brett Kimberlin earned the right to be called a convicted domestic terrorist, and he should not be marching off to court complaining about it when someone calls him just that.

It is beyond the scope of this post to detail every way in which Kimberlin’s peace order is misleading and deceptive. Kimberlin complains that Aaron spoke of purchasing a gun, implying that Aaron’s statement was aggressive — when Aaron actually said he had bought a gun to defend himself. Kimberlin claims that Aaron is responsible for “alerts” coming to his email inbox, suggesting Aaron is emailing him, when in fact the “alerts” Kimberlin is talking about are Google alerts. If you write about this guy on the Internet, he may run to a judge and say you are causing abusive alerts to come to his email.

You might say: what’s the harm in getting a peace order? I have watched this play out in other venues and I know just what Kimberlin is up to. As soon as he gets a “peace order,” he will run back to court the very next time Aaron mentions his name in public. That means that Kimberlin asserts the right to abuse the court process to harass Aaron — and if Aaron tells the world how Kimberlin is abusing the court process, Kimberlin will claim that as a violation of the peace order and try to have Aaron held in contempt of court.

Kimberlin and his crew have relentlessly harassed Aaron, me, and others over the course of the last several months. It is not harassment for us to tell the world what happened to us. It could happen to any of you. His supporters have outed or threatened to out commenters to this very site. They talk about wives, children, and fathers of bloggers and commenters. They ceaselessly abuse everyone they can who speaks the truth about Kimberlin’s past.

Ultimately, this is a free speech issue. Kimberlin and his group of thugs have done their level best to attack everyone in the blogosphere who wrote anything negative about him. Now the blogosphere is starting to wake up, and there are so many critics he can’t possibly intimidate them all.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Incredible: Serial Litigant Brett Kimberlin Files Yet Another Legal Action Against Blogger

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/23

Originally published by Patterico.

Convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin has filed over 100 lawsuits, including a lawsuit for insufficiently provocative porn and a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Prisons for not allowing him to have an electric guitar in prison. Blogger Aaron Walker recently revealed how Kimberlin made false statements as part of an effort to have Walker prosecuted for an assault Walker says never happened. Charges against Walker were dropped after a video was located showing that Kimberlin’s account was false in important respects.

As Walker reported, Kimberlin has already been to court a number of times litigating “peace orders” evidently designed to prevent Walker from blogging about Kimberlin’s past as a convicted bomber and perjurer. Now, Walker reports that Kimberlin has filed yet another one:

So here we go again. His abuse of the legal system continues. This is plainly in retaliation for my post exposing with video and documentary evidence, his recent criminal attempt to frame me for a crime.

Bluntly, this is illegal under the Peace Order statute. The court would have to find I did some kind of physical act against him, or that I stalked him or something like that. I have not even been in Maryland for well over a week and I simply put have never done anything to put him in reasonable fear of his life. I haven’t even seen him outside of court. I can’t say I have never been in his presence because somehow he or one of his allies has snapped a picture of me surreptitiously, so maybe he was nearby and I didn’t know. But I know I was never knowingly in his presence in the last 30 days.

The reference to a surreptitious picture is to a post on a blog (which I will not link) run by either Kimberlin or a close associate, that recently published a picture of Walker from a low angle, evidently taken inside a courthouse. Evidently he was being followed by someone in the courthouse, on one of the appearances Walker made to deal with this serial litigant.

Kimberlin uses the legal process to wage war against people who have told the truth about him. This is not about politics. It’s about how one man, together with a small crew of enablers, can use anonymous libelous speech on the Internet and frivolous actions in court to try to squelch truthful speech about his criminal history.

Walker says he will be setting up a legal defense fund soon. Help him out in any way you can.

P.S. I may be setting up such a fund myself. I have evidently been sued as well, in a lawsuit that has Brett Kimberlin’s fingerprints all over it. More about that in coming days.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Robert Stacy McCain on Convicted Bomber and Perjurer Brett Kimberlin

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/23

Originally published by Patterico.

McCain’s post is here, and it has been linked by Instapundit. Since Instapundit gets literally millions of page views a month, that means Stacy’s post has been seen by a lot of people, including journalists. Here’s an excerpt:

Since 2005, Kimberlin’s tax-exempt organization has raked in at least $1.8 million (JTMP’s 2011 IRS forms are not yet publicly available online), a remarkable total for a convicted felon who in 1981 was sentenced to 50 years in federal prison for one of the most notorious criminal rampages in Indiana history. The fact that Kimberlin appears to be especially targeting bloggers who have reported on his infamous reputation as a violent and dishonest criminal suggests the possibility that his “progressive activism” is actually an attempt to suppress the truth about his sociopathic tendencies by silencing his critics.

Law-enforcement records and extensive reporting by a host of journalists — including Gelarden, Singer, Calabresi, Nagy and Barnes — clearly document Kimberlin’s propensity for criminal acts of deceit and violence. Now, along with his accomplices Brad Friedman and self-described computer “hacker” Neal Rauhauser, the violent terrorist Kimberlin is apparently engaged in what his targets describe as an effort to hijack the court system to destroy his chosen enemies. His critics say they suspect Kimberlin’s attacks are not merely political activism, but an attempt to prevent exposure of his own nefarious conduct through a type of “lawfare,” which is defined as “the illegitimate use of domestic or international law with the intention of damaging an opponent, winning a public relations victory, financially crippling an opponent, or tying up the opponent’s time so that they cannot pursue other ventures such as running for public office.”

I was camping yesterday and didn’t get a chance to link that post, so I’m making up for it today. Also, please note that Stacy has followed up with this post today. And Aaron Worthing has rounded up some of the attention Kimberlin’s antics have received in the last 2-3 days alone. You might call it the Streisand effect — rather ironic, given that it has been revealed that Barbra Streisand has contributed thousands to an organization of Kimberlin’s.

Finally, I want to note this entry at Popehat:

I haven’t experienced anything like what blogger Aaron Worthing has experienced as a consequence of his writing about the astoundingly vile and terrifyingly sociopathic Brett Kimberlin, who for reasons that passeth understanding is still a darling to certain political activists despite the contemptible life he has led and continues to lead.

Aaron’s story is quite long. (We had a tiny, tiny piece of it here.) But he supports it with primary documents and video recordings, and ultimately it’s a wrenching depiction of how the system doesn’t prevent crazy and/or evil people from victimizing innocents — a depiction of how the system can be the instrument of such victimization. It’s not a pretty story, but it’s worth reading.

Kimberlin’s folks will almost certainly keep up the harassment, which will likely make this a rich vein of material for some time to come.

I want to emphasize that this is not a political issue. Certainly, Kimberlin uses a stated affiliation for lefty politics as a way to fool people into supporting him and giving him money. But I firmly believe he has no real politics. He cares about himself, period. It would be a mistake to turn this into a right/left controversy; indeed, that’s just what he wants, I suspect. Kimberlin has gone after people on the left who cross him, and responsible people on the left who support organizations like The Tides Foundation would be appalled if they were to learn the uses that Tides Foundations grants have been put to.

Kimberlin’s supporters investigate and “out” bloggers and even blog commenters and their family members. This is not a partisan issue. Everyone should oppose it.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Today’s Quote from Citizen K: The Book About Convicted Bomber and Perjurer Brett Kimberlin

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/23

Originally published by Patterico.

Today’s quote is about how our friend the convicted bomber and perjurer sabotaged parts destined for military aircraft and tanks:

At Oxford [a federal prison in Wisconsin] he was assigned as a quality-control clerk at a prison factory that manufactured cables for military aircraft and tanks.

A brilliant idea, that.

Each day, he said, he did his work quickly and then tried to immerse himself in a book, but the prison guard who was his overseer objected to his reading on the job. When he persisted, the guard threatened to give him a “shot” — to write an incident report that could lead to disciplinary action. So he stopped bringing a book to work, he said, and instead devoted his spare time to sabotage. “I’d run the cable through quality control,” he said. “I’d check them. I’d sign off on them. And then I’d cut some of the damn wires.”

Nobody knows how many military members died as a result of these treasonous acts.

Your recipient of grants from the Tides Foundation, John Kerry’s wife, and Barbra Streisand. Can we get a round of applause, ladies and gentlemen?

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Today’s Quote from Citizen K: The Book About Convicted Bomber and Perjurer Brett Kimberlin

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/23

Originally published by Patterico.

Today’s quote discusses the convicted bomber’s lawsuit for insufficiently provocative porn:

For a while, Kimberlin had a sideline selling dirty pictures, courtesy of a former prisoner and client who got the stuff from a retail vendor in Chicago. Kimberlin described it as “very good quality, full-color — anal, oral, you know, three-way, everything like that.” Its shelf life, however, was not infinite. “I didn’t know what to do with all of them,” he said. “You know, you can only jack off to a magazine once or twice. I mean, you get bored with it. I took them with me when I went to Oxford [a federal prison in Wisconsin]. I had eighty-seven of these damn things. It was a whole box full. So I got up there and some black guy saw me reading some and he said, ‘Hey, you want to sell any of those?’ And then this white guy said, ‘Do you want to sell any of those?’ And I thought: Well, I’d rather sell them to the white guy than the black guy. So I told the white guy, ‘Look, can you sell very many?’ And he said, ‘Sure, I can sell as many as you got. You give them to me for one-third of the cover price. I’ll sell them for one-half of the cover price.’ So he was the porno king on the compound. And he made his spending money. And my friend kept sending me the porno from Chicago. I probably made about four or five grand on the damn stuff. Brett Kimberlin, porn dealer. Can you believe it?”

The book goes on to describe how Kimberlin picked a new supplier when the old one went to prison. But the new supplier turned unsatisfactory.

In January 1987, in federal court in Madison, Wisconsin, Kimberlin sued Crest Paragon Productions, alleging false advertising, breach of contract, mail fraud, conspiracy, and violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). According to the complaint, instead of the thirty magazines and sixteen books Kimberlin expected when he responded to a back-of-the-book advertisement placed by Crest Paragon, he was sent “fifteen pamphlets and three paperback books of low quality.” He described this material to me as “real old four-by-six black-and-white pictures that looked like they were from the 1960s and came from England.” The tepid paperbacks had titles like Making a Score and Coed Habitation.

Kimberlin complained to author Mark Singer that his $150,000 lawsuit was dismissed by “a fucking Reagan appointee,” and he didn’t feel like paying the filing fee to appeal it to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

Singer says that Kimberlin “filed more than a hundred lawsuits and motions in the federal courts on his own behalf.”

UPDATE: Quote from Kimberlin fan @OccupyRebellion:

@RichardRSmithTo Maybe we should collect all you Breitbots together and shove those lawsuits down your fucking throats.

It’s all about political terrorism.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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Convicted Bomber and Perjurer Brett Kimberlin Harasses Blogger for Telling Truth About Him

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/23

Originally published by Patterico.

Aaron Worthing reveals how convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin has turned his life upside down for the crime of telling the truth about Kimberlin’s past:

Regular readers of this site know that for some time the convicted domestic terrorist known as Brett Kimberlin has been harassing me. He did this because I dared to offer a bit of light, free legal help to a man he was suing named Seth Allen and then as he came after me, I told the truth about his deplorable criminal background and the fact he lied under oath in a hearing on November 14, 2011 and recommended that he be charged with perjury. . . .

Starting on January 9, 2012, Brett Kimberlin actually attempted to frame me for a crime.

. . . .

[H]e convinced the Montgomery County State’s Attorney to maintain second degree assault charges against me for over two months—with a punishment of up to ten years in prison, if convicted—taking it so close to trial that I was forced to take the time and expense of preparing much of my defense. He has cost me and my wife our jobs because our workplace was frightened that this violent bomber might show up at work. After all, he had published my home address and work address in court filings, for no reason other than to harass me. He has obtained a peace order (similar to a restraining order) against me in part for supposed “harassment” for having told the truth about him on this blog. And you will learn that after the video emerged, the charges were dropped and the peace order was dismissed on appeal.

This is not an isolated instance, by the way. Kimberlin and his supporters have used frivolous accusations of criminal activity, frivolous lawsuits, and harassment and intimidation to attack every blogger who dared reveal anything about his past — including me. That story is coming.

Aaron has video disproving allegations that Kimberlin made. He has audio showing Kimberlin lied about his past under oath. Yet, despite all this evidence, authorities in Maryland will not act. Read all about it here.

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If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

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