Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Archive for May 13th, 2012

The Mother Thing

Posted by Foxfier on 2012/05/13

This is going to meander.  It’s more of a thinking-out-loud type post than really having a specific point.  Can I call it a meditation?

So I got married.  And suddenly, like the boy thing had hit, the motherhood-thing hit.  I wanted children.

In retrospect this is vaguely puzzling.  Look, guys, I was always awkward around babies, vaguely puzzled by toddlers and often outright scared of school age mons– er… children.  So why the heck did I want kids?  Who knows?  Perhaps biological imperative.  Perhaps insanity.  I wanted eleven children.

I’ve had a mania for reading According To Hoyt for the last week or two—goodness, it’s almost like reading Chaos Manor or TOF’s Place, but more feminine in a way I can’t quite put a finger on but find highly appealing (my kind of gals!) and with WAY more folks commenting—and there are a lot of things that I have a very easy time relating to.  Not a sensation I’m accustomed to. ^.^

I’ve always understood that kids are Important, especially babies, and they need special protection—but that doesn’t mean I’m a fan of cuddling or entertaining them.  Everything you do is Important, and I didn’t know what to do, so I saw no reason to volunteer to screw up.  At the same time, I always knew I wanted a true mate and children, and knew that these weren’t contradictions; my mom was NOT the baby crazy member of her family.  Both she and my dad were thought to be “confirmed bachelors” when they met and married, ended up having the second-most kids of any of their siblings.

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Posted by Foxfier on 2012/05/13


Thank you, moms, for all that you do.

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Obama’s Political Games Backfiring UPDATE!

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/13

Obama tried to play a political game with his Federal Budget proposal, which was not meant to pass but only to paint Republicans in a bad light. It went down to defeat in the Democrat-held US Senate 97-0. Obama’s naked political ploy fizzled badly. So, not learning from shooting himself in the foot, he tried the exact same thing the next year. It went down to defeat in the US House over 400-0. In neither case did a single Congresscritter, Republican or Democrat, vote for it. Ignominious defeat for the cynically hyper-partisan Obama who was looking or easy political talking points. It’s hard to call Republicans obstructionists when even the Democrats vote against your crap sandwiches.

Then came the whole “stay at home mothers don’t do any real work” back-fire fiasco. And his Administration’s direct frontal attack on Catholics, who are a major Democrat voting bloc. Again, Obama’s corrupt Leftist machine had failed to realize the US is not, at all, a radical Leftist political environment but rather a center-right one. Will Obama and his handlers ever learn? Apparently not.

With a clear majority of States in the Union voting for Traditional Marriage, including California, Obama has come out in favor of homosexual “marriage”. And it’s already backfiring. Jeff Poor at The Daily Caller (HT Hot Air Headlines) writes about Socialist thug and Union Boss Richard Trumka’s reaction and warning:

On Friday’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt” on Bloomberg TV, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka acknowledged that President Barack Obama’s recent announcement that he personally supports same-sex marriages could hurt his popularity this fall among labor leaders and union members.

Professor Jacobson reports on Indiana’s Democrat candidate for US Senate running away from Obama as fast as he can:

If you want a sense of how Obama’s cynical, money-driven gay marriage evolution ploy will play in key states Obama won in 2008, look not only at North Carolina’s vote Tuesday, but also at how fast Joe Donnelly is running away from Obama on the issue[.]

In order for Obama to try to drive a wedge issue in the election cycle, dividing the people instead of uniting them, and in order to get money his campaign desperately needs, Obama is running people off, people Obama needs to vote for him (and for down-ticket races). As Trumka said, Obama will lose some of the blue-collar Union vote because of this. Obama is also in danger of losing a couple points of the black vote, a couple points of the Hispanic vote, and more than a couple points of the Catholic vote. But he made Hollywierd happy enough to open their purses at a 40-grand-a-plate dinner (can anyone say “one percenters”?) immediately after his flip-flop-flip announcement.

Joe Manchin, the Democrat Senator from WV, has already declared that he doesn’t know if he’ll be voting for the Democrat Obama in November or not. Many Democrats are in danger of losing their jobs (and many already have) due to the whole ObamaCare fiasco, so they are busily trying to avoid getting tied to that.

Obama’s driving wedges into the population, alright. And he’s hurting people’s election bids with his purposefully hyper-partisan antics. But what he and all his radical Leftist handlers don’t understand is he’s hurting Democrat election chances and improving Republican election chances.

Keep talking, Baraka, keep talking. The more you talk, the more potential votes you lose.

UPDATE: Remember I said Obama’s most recent homosexual “marriage” gambit will cost him a couple points among the black community? Well, it’s already happening! As RS McCain reports:

Our ‘First Gay President’ Now Losing Support From Black Christian Pastors

Ouch, that’s going to leave a mark“:

A Texas pastor who once led the Southern Baptist Convention in introducing a resolution that recognized Obama’s historic achievement has voiced his displeasure with the president’s support and approval of gays, reports the Associated Baptist Press.

Dwight McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, wrote in a blog on May 9 that Obama’s statement is worthy of incurring wrath of biblical proportions. . . . “President Obama has betrayed the Bible and the Black Church with his endorsement of same-sex marriage. The Bible is crystal clear on this subject. . . . The moral impact of this day and decision is equal to the military impact of al-Queda when they attacked the Twin Towers on 911.

(Hat-tips: News One and Fox Nation.) This is something I think most secularists don’t understand about us “bitter Bible-clingers.” We are People Of The Word, servants redeemed by unmerited grace who therefore owe as a sacred obligation the duty to defend the Word.

RS McCain has it right. Christians (true Christians, not the Leftist false version of Christians) absolutely defend the Word of the Almighty Creator. And black Church-goers most definitely pay attention to their pastors, oftentimes moreso than do white Church-goers. And this is something Barack Obama does not understand, among a great many things Barack Obama does not understand. He doesn’t understand American culture and tradition and religious value, but what he does vaguely understand, that he detests virulently.

Obama has, for many years, acted in a very hyper-partisan manner in the hopes of benefiting himself politically, driving wedges into American society in the hopes of dividing American society so that he can conquer American society. And he is failing miserably because he is constantly misjudging — out of arrogant ignorance — the value structure of We the People. As I have shown above, Obama’s multiple hyper-partisan “divide the public” wedge issues for political gain have been badly mis-aimed. Each wedge issue he throws out cuts out some of the support he previously had, and harms Democrats further down the ticket. “The greatest, wisest President since sliced bread” continues to prove his arrogant ignorance and his narcissistic delusions of grandeur, to not only his own detriment but to the detriment of Democrats as a whole.

UPDATE: Ed Morrissey weighs in with news out of Maryland that black Pastors are blasting Obama for Obama’s violation of Providence’s Holy Word, and declaring they will no longer support Obama. Obama’s decision-making skills and divide-and-conquer tactics are proving to be disastrous to himself and to Democrats up and down the ticket.

Posted in Character, Christianity, economics, Elections, Health Care, Liberal, media, Obama, Philosophy, politics, Religion, Socialists, society | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Racist Race-Traitor’s Racism Revealed

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/13

HT Smitty

Listen to the video and you’ll hear all manner of dog-whistles as this man shamelessly attacks the black man in the white house on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Or, if you have an honest bone in your body, you’ll see a man speaking a lot of truth, and absolutely incensed at the Mainstream Media’s dishonest in-the-bag for Democrat tactics. Liberals are not going to like what they see, because it destroys their lies.

Go take a gander at his site Whatever Happen To COMMON SENSE as well. I’ll be adding his site to my list of Race Traitor blogs.

Posted in Character, Elections, Liberal, media, Obama, Philosophy, politically correct, Politically Incorrect, politics, race, truth | Tagged: , , , | 1 Comment »