Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Archive for May 14th, 2012

More Bad News For Wisconsin Democrats

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/14

The news coming out of Wisconsin continues to be bad for Democrats and good for the state. I have previously reported on the tens of millions of dollars Wisconsin schools have saved, with many schools going from deficit to surplus without raising taxes (in fact, property taxes were lower for the first time since 1999), while Democrats and Union thugs have spent tens of millions of dollars trying to rescue their tax-payer funded multi-million dollar cash cows and freebies, and used violence, threats of violence, destruction of public and private property in the process. I have also previously reported on the fact that Wisconsin has had its most improved economic forecast since 2003 and that its economic forecast improved more than any other state, after the Walker Budget was put in place.

Here’s what I said regarding the tens of millions of dollars Democrats and Union thugs spent in vain in Wisconsin in 2010 and 2011:

[Allahpundit] quotes that site I refuse to link (if I can avoid it) discussing the fact all those outside resources won’t be available to Recall Governor Walker in 2012 because there is the Obama campaign that needs fed, a US Senate campaign that needs fed, many other political races in Wisconsin that need fed, let alone all the campaigns across the other 49 states that need fed. After spending tens of millions of outside, Union dollars in 2010 and 2011 with next to nothing to show from it, there will be too many other needs in 2012 to be focusing in on a single Governor.

I previously wrote about the economic improvement of states that went from Democrat control to Republican leadership compared to the economic deterioration of Democrat controlled states. Multiple articles can be found in the TBD archives covering the economic disasters of Liberal-owned California and Illinois.

Well, Democrats have even more bad news coming out of Wisconsin. It seems the analysts were wrong about Wisconsin’s budgetary surplus. They underestimated it in their forecast. Wisconsin will have an even larger budgetary surplus than forecast. Without tax increases. In fact, with reduced taxes. Even as Wisconsin’s taxpayers had to foot a multi-million dollar bill to repair all the damage the Democrats, Union thugs, Occupods criminally did to public property. As Wisconsin’s economic forecast has improved more than any other state (as a result of flipping from Liberal Big Government tax-and-spend to Conservative small government restraint). As I have said many times before, these expert analysts are always wrong because they use static models and don’t account for a change in behavior that results from a change in tax and/or regulation policy. Just like the severely worsened budgetary outlook the Editor of The First Street Journal pointed out for the failed State of California. While the Republican agenda has improved the state of the State of Wisconsin, the Democrat agenda has worsened the state of the State of California. And that’s bad news for Wisconsin Democrats. They cannot have economic conditions and budgetary conditions improving while people are doing the opposite of what the Democrats want.

And they definitely cannot allow for the public to find out the Conservative approach is far more successful and liberating than the Liberal approach. Oops, too late. With the Conservative grass-roots giant very much awake, Liberals no longer have the ability to keep the news away from the people. And that leads to the most recent, and very terrible news (for Democrats) coming out of Wisconsin today. Polling shows Governor Walker with a very large 9 point lead over his Democrat challenger, who had raised taxes and fees in Milwaukee while simultaneously making Milwaukee’s economic condition worse (imagine that). To top it off, as I predicted, money is not coming in like Democrats want and need.

Update: Greg Sargent reports that Wisconsin Democrats are going public with their anger over a lack of support from the DNC:

“We are frustrated by the lack of support from the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Governors Association,” a top Wisconsin Democratic Party official tells me. “Scott Walker has the full support and backing of the Republican Party and all its tentacles. We are not getting similar support.”

“Considering that Scott Walker has already spent $30 million and we’re even in the polls, this is a winnable race,” the Wisconsin Dem continues. “We can get outspent two to one or five to one. We can’t get spent 20 to one.”

According to the Wisconsin Dem, the party has asked the DNC for $500,000 to help with its massive field operation. While the DNC has made generally supportive noises, the money has not been forthcoming, the official says — with less than a month until the June 5th recall election. The DNC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

It apparently doesn’t look winnable to the DNC, which tells you all you need to know about the polls on which WI Democrats rely.

After spending tens of millions of dollars trying to get rid of the people who have made Wisconsin better for Wisconsinites, and failing miserably, some of the outside spigots are getting turned off. Those outside spigots have a lot more than just Wisconsin to worry about this year, as the Conservative grass-roots continue marching on, saving this country from certain economic disaster.

Posted in Conservative, economics, Elections, Liberal, media, Philosophy, politics, society, Tax, TEA Party | Tagged: , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Conservatives, Social Media, And Returning The GOP To Its Base

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/14

Legal Insurrection has a recent article mainly concerning how the grass-roots Conservative re-awakening is beginning to show dominance on Twitter to reformulate the Republican Party back to its former ideals, to the dismay of Democrats and Ruling Class inside-the-beltway Republicans alike. (Hello, Dick Lugar.)

After watching the Democrats’ sheer dominance over social media forums during the 2008 Presidential election, it is doubtful that anyone could have predicted the conservative base would supplant them so quickly.

But beginning with the midterm elections of 2010, conservatives have been on a path to claim outright dominance over the medium altogether in a way comparable to that of the Talk Radio industry. This effort is taking its toll not just on the Democrats, but also on entrenched Republicans who, in the eyes of the GOP base, have lost their way.

Conservatives have long been upset with the direction their party was headed. One need look no further than the last 5 Presidential candidates the party has put forward, each one more typical and predictable than the last. It tends to share more in common with a Royal line of succession, than a series of democratically elected candidates.

Social Media was used very effectively by Liberals during the 2008 election cycle. Social Media was instrumental in bringing down the Egyptian government, and very useful in helping to bring down the Libyan government. Social Media bypasses the Ruling Class filtration systems. And the grass-roots Conservative movement has begun working very hard, using Social Media to clean up the Republican Party from the inside out.

It’s not just Twitter. It’s FaceBook. It’s micro-blogs like Truth Before Dishonor, with its couple thousand views a month (17 percent of which are represented by over 150 countries outside the US). And it’s bringing down Ruling Class Republicans and replacing them with actual Conservatives. And it’s doing it on shoe-string budgets, or with no money at all, all the while the Ruling Class Republicans are grossly outspending (many times still losing to) their underfunded grass-roots-supported Conservative opponents.

Dick Lugar, whose 1976 entry into the US Senate finally expires in January, heavily outspent Richard Mourdock but lost to the grass-roots Conservative, mostly due to Social Media involvement. Mia Love, a virtual unknown, is now the GOP nominee for Utah’s 4th District. Texas Lt Governor David Dewhurst is heavily outspending Ted Cruz for the Senate seat held by the rather statist Kay Bailey Hutchison, but could not get over the hump. Now that Sarah Palin has endorsed Cruz, and did it through Social Media, it looks like Dewhurst may have spent his Establishment money in vain. Allen West got major support from Social Media. Charlie Crist’s campaign for Senate out of Florida got incinerated by the grass-roots Conservatives using Social Media.

Times, they are a-chagin’, and there’s not thing one the Ruling Class can do about it. As the dead tree media continues to crumble and the Voters continue to spread the real news (not what the MSM puts out), the GOP is being refashioned into what it was meant to be and once was 100 years ago. And so long as we keep plugging away, we will get the job done and save our Nation.

I leave you with two quotes, one a fact and the other an exhortation.

“All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.”
“If not you, then who?”

Posted in Blogging Matters, Conservative, Elections, media, Palin, Personal Responsibility, Philosophy, politics, society, TEA Party | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »