Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

“Crazy” Larry rants again

Posted by Hube on 2011/09/24

MSDNC’s Keith Olbermann replacement, “Crazy” Larry O’Donnell, went on yet another idiotic rant the other night, this time about GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry:

And secondly, the Republican party of the 21st century, if we are to judge by the debate audiences, has obviously lost its soul . . . This Twilight Zone: how can this happen? Here’s their favorite killer, state-sanctioned killer up there. They boo him after he calls them heartless.

Right. So now we’re going to judge the entire GOP by the reactions/utterances of a few idiots at some debates. Boy, this tactic sounds familiar — what was done to the Tea Party! Y’know, I wonder why when a few assorted knuckleheads at Democratic events make a scene that the entire party isn’t so labeled … nah. I don’t wonder why. It’s so pathetically obvious by now, why. Yeesh.

Oh, and Larry — if you’re so concerned about “state-sanctioned killing,” when will you do a semi-coherent rant about liberal states’ abortion policies? If you’re SOOOO concerned about the government getting involved in “killing,” where’s the concern about purely innocent life? Why do so-called “progressives” seem to always reserve their outrage for the executions of heinous killers? Our old friend Perry is a textbook example (surprise!) of this; in comments here and at CSPT he believes he has a consistent “pro-life” view because he “personally” is against abortion and capital punishment. However, when pressed on the issue, he admitted that he “doesn’t have the right” to tell a woman what to do with her body … but he does believe it his duty (right) to lobby state legislatures to abolish the death penalty. The counter to this is, obviously, why does Perry believe he has the right to overturn what a jury and judge(s) have determined through a lengthy judicial process when it comes to a brutal killer … but not to tell a woman she cannot terminate the life of a 100% innocent baby?

It makes not one iota of moral sense. Much like, as you may have recently read, his views on Israel and the Palestinians which are also shared by far too many fellow “progressives.”

One Response to ““Crazy” Larry rants again”

  1. Since Larry O’Donnell publicly — as in on the teevee — self-declared as a Socialist, you know he ain’t so bright to begin with.


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