Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Archive for September 25th, 2011


Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/09/25

I have added Yorkshire as an author on TBD so he can produce his landscape photography here to pretty-fy the place. As soon as he decrypts the emails I thought were already decrypted, I’m hoping to be viewing some outstanding panorama here. Yorkie, as I like to call him, has recently retired, but believe you me, when it comes to brain-dead Liberals, he’s busier than a Yorkshire in a butt-kicking contest.

I have also presented an offer to another photographer to have an identical position here. I hope to hear an affirmative answer from her in the near future as her photography is quite excellent.

Posted in Blogging Matters, Photography | Comments Off on Yorkshire

Educating The Jew-Haters

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/09/25

As anyone who runs a blog site knows, there are a great many searches that find their blogs. Well, I had a Jew-hater who found my blog today. He found something he didn’t want to find because he hates him some Jews. His search term:

coward israeli soldiers stepping with his feet on a girl

What he found on my site, that he didn’t want to find.

I seriously doubt that educated him, because hatred of Jews is very much a Lucifer-inspired thing, but he definitely saw the Truth, which is anathema to his hate-filled agenda.

Just remember, the Koran says it is perfectly acceptable to lie to any non-Mohammedan in the furtherance of the Mohammedan religion (and world conquest is part of the Koranic Mohammedan religion). Much the same as the Leftist JournoList said it was perfectly acceptable for journalists to lie in the furtherance of the Liberal agenda.

And Jesus said they were doing the work of their father Satan, the father of all lies.

Posted in Character, crime, education, Israel, race, society, stereotype, terrorists, truth, war | Tagged: , , | 1 Comment »

A picture really is a worth a thousand words!

Posted by Dana Pico on 2011/09/25

From Zombietime, via Blonde Sagacity!

Posted in humor | Comments Off on A picture really is a worth a thousand words!

Herman Cain Wins Florida Straw Poll

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/09/25

Morgan Freeman hardest hit (along with Common Sense Political Thought’s radical Leftist commenter Perry Hood).

How dare those raaaaacist TEA Partiers vote for a black man to replace the half white, less-than-half black Socialist in the Oval Office? Don’t those raaaaacist TEA Partiers know the black man they voted for is blacker than the Socialist in the Oval Office?

Conservative businessman and economist Herman Cain won the Florida Straw Poll going away, gaining more votes than the next two combined. The biggest losers in this straw poll were Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann. Rick Santorum cracked the 10 percent barrier.

Cain garnered 37.1 percent of the votes while front-running Perry, who lobbied very hard for the vote, managed a mere 15.4 percent and Romney, who didn’t campaign all that hard for the straw poll, garnered 14.7 percent of the voting. Bachmann, her star having fallen prior, finished last in the voting at 1.5 percent while Jon Huntsman, the squish alternative to the squish Romney whom Liberals are trying to foist on Republicans (when those selfsame Liberals know full-well they’ll be voting for the Democrat regardless), managed a meager 2.3 percent.

Doug Powers observes:

A personal observation about Herman Cain from my corner of the world: In talking with, or just overhearing, various friends, family, professional acquaintances, people at the next table at the restaurant, etc., I’ve noticed that lately Cain is getting a little more air under his wings in a “I kind of like that Cain guy” sort of way. We’ll see what kind of a lift this gives him, but his name recognition is certainly on the rise, and today’s straw poll results might give him added momentum.

RS McCain, not to be confused with his distant cousin, the left-of-center John McCain, is downright giddy.

Yes, we have “entered a new phase,” the phase where talking heads on the Sunday morning shows will be discussing the first draft of Rick Perry’s political obituary. Didn’t I try to warn everybody about the “Phantom Menace”?

Don’t doubt my Jedi senses on this one, folks. I’m getting spooky vibes. . . .

Yeah, I know political journalists aren’t supposed to believe in “omens.” Still, there’s something vaguely . . . hinky about the way Perry’s stealth campaign has been operating here in Iowa.

Call me crazy. Attribute my forebodings of doom to irrational prejudice. Say what you will, and I don’t care, but I felt a need to put on the record my instinctive sense that there’s something fundamentally wrong about the Perry campaign.

That was on Aug. 9, four days before Perry officially announced.

Now here we are, six weeks later, and the Perry bandwagon is inarguably in the ditch — thanks to Perry’s own “tin ear” blundering and the triumph of my man Herman Cain:

The Georgia businessman won more votes than the Republican primary’s frontrunners — Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney — combined.

Where is my vindication? Where are those who scoffed at my prophetic foresight?

Allahpundit reports on some possibly hinky Romney staff activities:

Not only did Cain pull it off, it wasn’t close. The numbers: Cain 37%, Perry 15%, Romney 14%. A total embarrassment for Perry, and it actually could have been worse. Here’s what Florida state representative Matt Gaetz tweeted before the vote:

Romney campaign is having their #Presidency5 delegates vote for Cain to skew results. #dirtytricks

If that’s true, and no one knows if it is, then Romney’s supporters might have pushed Mitt to second and Perry all the way down to third simply by sticking with their guy.

Allahpundit goes on to report how badly Perry wanted to win the straw poll and then how terribly Perry spun the resounding straw poll defeat. It’s real a piece of work.

As I reported in a previous article, Rick Perry’s downfall was widely viewed as his adamant stand to the Left of a very clear majority of the voting public regarding immigration-related issues. His problems with his unilateral Big Government crony capitalism “pay to play” Gardasil Executive Order and his subsequent “erroneous” memory also came into play. He became a detriment to himself and a live grenade for the Conservative/TEA Party base, so they pitched that hot potato and selected someone else.

Now here’s where RS McCain and I disagree. (And Mr McCain, feel free to beat me up on your site. I could use the hits you would deliver me. (Or is that too much violent rhetoric for the Leftist weenies to handle?)) But first a bit more agreement. RS McCain offers some advice — in a very impolitic fashion — for the false Conservative Bill Kristol: Quit offering up Chris Christie. Absolutely. Perry lost the straw poll because he was too Liberal, too Big Government, too crony capitalist. Christie, the New Jersey Rocket Man, is more Liberal than Perry.

The Conservatives that are flying away from Perry will not be flying to someone even more Liberal than Perry. They want a Conservative. While Christie is a very unique political creature in that he is a Moderate with a backbone, and he went viral multiple times showing his spine, he’s still an unacceptable Moderate outside Liberal Land. He’s great for New Jersey, not so great for the US.

The reason I believe people selected Cain (other than that hinky Romney campaign stuff) is because Cain is a businessman and a Conservative who won’t go in for the lobbyist “pay to play” schemes but will get the Business of America (is business) back on track. Well, that’s not the whole reason. (Mr McCain, here it comes.) Cain is a place-holder, but not a place-holder place-holder. Cain is currently “the best of the rest” among available Conservatives and, yes, getting more looks. Rick Santorum is not getting any traction, although he benefited from the twin-failings of the two previous Conservative Rock Stars in Michele “gaffe-tastic” Bachmann and Rick “Conservative tips, Liberal roots” Perry. And Newt “Scozzafava, Pelosi” Gingrich isn’t going anywhere. Ron “crazy man” Paul? Whatevs.

But Cain doesn’t have the foreign policy/relations chops and he won’t have those chops in time to be sworn in. I definitely like Cain but I see him more taking over as Department of Labor Secretary where the name can be changed to Department of Business and he can get to work repurposing the department to allow for a much better environment for business and economic growth within the US.

It is highly unlikely Cain will win the nomination. But Perry and Bachmann left the door wide open for the Thrilla from Wasilla to step in and take the mantel. And just to be crystal clear (since there was that little edginess in those body blows to Bill Kristol), my endorsement in my sidebar has been present for quite some time now. Just wanted to help you out, Mr McCain, in your effort to give me a beat-down.

But here, let me conduct an informal poll. Those who believe I’m onto something regarding Cain can vote by “hitting my tip jar” for 5 dollars, while those who believe Mr McCain is right regarding Cain can vote by “hitting my tip jar” for 10 dollars. That way, I can better judge the opinions of the readers. (Or you can be cheap and just write a comment, taking note of my “about” page and my “comment policy” page.)

Posted in Conservative, economics, Elections, funny business, media, Over-regulation, Palin, Philosophy, politically correct, Politically Incorrect, politics, society, TEA Party | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »