Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

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But, how can this be?

Posted by Dana Pico on 2014/05/18

I spoke with John Hitchcock yesterday, and discovered something new. Mr Hitchcock, despite some smidgen of Indian in his ancestry, is as white a white man as there could be, mostly Irish, fair skinned and red haired. As as everyone who has read his work, on the now-defunct Common Sense Political Thought, on The First Street Journal, and here, is aware, he is as conservative as conservative comes, TEA Party through and through.

According to the left, that means that he must, simply must, be a total racist, nativist, sexist and utter patriarchist. But, if you look at his Endorsements section on the right-hand sidebar of this site, you’ll see four listings, all from 2012:

  • (Sarah) Palin/ (Allen) West for President 2012
  • Ted Cruz for US Senate (Texas)
  • Jamie Radtke for US Senate (Virginia)
  • Mia Love for US House (Utah 4)

So, looking at that list, and those are the only four endorsements he has, I see

  • A white woman and black man;
  • A white Hispanic man;
  • A white woman; and
  • A black woman.

I’m trying to find the racism and sexism in that list, and can’t seem to find it!

But, of course, those are political endorsements, and who knows how nefarious those racist, sexist patriarchists can be in concealing their perfidy. Well, Mr Hitchcock has taken a further step to disguise his racism, because Jessica, his new girlfriend, isn’t white and she isn’t an American! How devious, how Machiavellian, how outrageous, the depths to which a Christian, white American conservative will sink to hide his cisheteronormative patriarchal makeup.
Cross-posted, in slightly different form, on The First Street Journal

Posted in Character, TEA Party | 5 Comments »

Just a Marine

Posted by Dana Pico on 2013/01/19

From the Allentown, Pennsylvania, Morning Call:

NCAA to honor Kutztown U. grad who lost leg after Iraq War bombing

David Borden, a Marine, lost a leg after Iraq bombing and went on to Afghanistan.

Kutztown grad and US Marine David Borden, who lost a leg and nearly lost his life in a bombing in Iraq, only to return to active duty in Afghanistan, will receive the NCAA’s Inspiration Award Friday in Texas. (CONTRIBUTED PHOTO, THE MORNING CALL / August 12, 2011)

By Jeff Schuler, Of The Morning Call | 10:06 p.m. EST, January 17, 2013

His right foot had been blown off. Later, infection would force the amputation of his leg just above the knee.

His right femur was broken. His right forearm was broken, his left shattered. He had a collapsed lung, a ruptured bladder, and doctors also estimated that between 150 and 200 ball bearings had been embedded in his body.

“There wasn’t a piece of his body except for maybe his left leg that wasn’t messed up,” David Borden Sr. said of the Jan. 19, 2008, suicide bomb attack in Ramadi, Iraq, that nearly took the life of his son, Marine Lt. David Borden, Kutztown University Class of 2003.

Yet shortly after coming out of a coma at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, and as he faced countless surgeries and months of rehabilitation, Borden had just two thoughts: to get out of his bed and help motivate others at the facility in their recovery efforts, and to eventually return to active duty.

A lot more at the link.

Captain Borden returned to the Middle East in January of 2011, as a Marine company commander, and he wasn’t just sitting behind a desk; he walked armed patrols outside of the gates as well.

He is being awarded the NCAA Inspiration Award because he played football at Kutztown University, but noted:

I’m not the only injured service member to return to active duty, and I’m not the only injured service member to lose a limb and return to active duty. A lot of people do this and don’t get the publicity I’ve received because of my command billet and this award.

Captain Borden doesn’t think that he is a “hero,” saying:

The word ‘hero’ is for the men and women who give the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

A hero? I will leave that for others to decide. To me, it sounds like he’s just a Marine.

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Taxes and the Pyrite State

Posted by Dana Pico on 2013/01/13


Jerry Brown: California Will Have Surpluses

That’s what he says:

After years of red ink, Gov. Jerry Brown said on Thursday that California’s $96.7-billion general fund is now poised to end next year with a surplus, thanks to years of deep budget cuts and billions in new taxes approved by voters last year.

“We achieved the position we’re in because of tough cuts … and then the people voted for taxes,” he said. “We broke the logjam by going to the people.”

Schools will be the big winner in the governor’s new spending plan, receiving $56.2 billion in state funds, an increase by $2.7 billion over the last year. That funding is set to jump to more than $66 billion by 2016.

The budget also dedicated an additional $350 million to the state’s public insurance program, Medi-Cal, to help implement President Obama’s healthcare law.

Brown’s budget predicts only the second budget surplus in the last decade, with an $851-million surplus projected at the end of the 2013-14 fiscal year — if all his proposals are approved by lawmakers.

Jerry Brown says we will have surpluses. I say we will not.

We’ll see who is right.

The boldfaced parts were by Patterico commenter Taney O’Haley, who said that it sounded like wishful thinking to her.

Donald Douglas referenced an article from Investor’s Business Daily which pointed out that the overwhelming majority the voters gave to the Democrats puts the restrictions under Proposition 13 at risk, and that there are already at least two proposals in the legislature to weaken it:

Already, state Sen. Mark Leno wants to put a measure on the ballot to lower the two-thirds vote threshold for school district parcel taxes to 55%. State Sen. Lois Wolk introduced a bill that would ask voters to drop the vote threshold to 55% for library parcel taxes and bond measures.

In the Assembly, Tom Ammiano plans to reintroduce a bill seeking to revise the definition of an ownership change that triggers a new business property assessment. Voters’ OK isn’t needed. Even if the bill stalls, as it has in the past, business owners fear that its goal — squeezing more tax money from commercial property — will surface in other proposals, some with better odds.

The tax increases approved by the voters in November were temporary increases, adding a 0.25% increase to the state sales tax, and creating three new brackets for the most productive Californians, lasting for seven years. For a single Californian earning $500,000 or more, the new 12.3% marginal rate, combined with the new federal top rate of 39.6%, means that 51.9% of his earnings over the thresholds will be seized just in income taxes alone. If his earning power is portable — and for many of California’s top producers, it won’t be — moving to a state like Texas or Florida, which have no state income taxes, is a completely rational economic decision.

How many will? We can’t know yet, but we’ll see in two more years, when Governor Brown’s projection of a balanced state budget is either realized, or it is not.

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The Democrats’ economic and taxation policies at work in Illinois

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/12/24

Remember how our friends on the left were so appalled that the Michigan state legislature passed a right-to-work law? How about in just-across-the-lake Illinois, that liberal bastion and home of President Barack Hussein Obama?

Unions blast state on plans for underfunded pensions

By Rick Pearson, Chicago Tribune | 1:26 p.m. CST, December 19, 2012

A coalition of public employee unions issued a report today blasting state legislation to address their vastly underfunded pension systems and offering instead to make increased worker contributions if lawmakers raised $2 billion by ending tax benefits to corporations and imposing new taxes.

Appearing at the James R. Thompson Center, members of the We Are One coalition said plans backed by Gov. Pat Quinn and another proposal supported by a bipartisan group of lawmakers would violate the state constitution by reducing pension benefits already guaranteed to workers. They predicted such a change would be overturned by the courts.

Moreover, the group said the plan Quinn was advocating would “cause deep harm to working and retired state employees and teachers, negatively impact the Illinois economy and yet still not solve the state’s primary pension problem — the failure to regularly fund its annual required contributions.”

The unions said their offer to require state workers and teachers to pay 2 percent more toward their retirement was conditional upon the state making an “ironclad guarantee” in state law that government fund its pension obligations.

To help fund those obligations, the unions proposed eliminating several corporate tax benefits as well as imposing new taxes on auto trade-ins, satellite TV service and downloaded digital entertainment. The new funds also could be used to help offset cuts in other public social services, the group said.

More at the link.

Illinois is an already-highly-taxed state, with significant companies considering leaving the state due to the already-passed increases in corporate taxes. Here’s another story:

Illinois Among Nation’s Worst State Business Climates, According To CEO Survey

Illinois has been struggling to keep big companies in the state since Illinois Governor Pat Quinn approved an income tax increase in January. Quinn has been widely criticized for the move, and a new survey ranking Illinois among the worst business climates in the U.S. will likely provide fodder to the naysayers.

According to a survey released Monday, California, New York and Illinois have the “least favorable business climates” to corporate executives in the U.S. Nearly 25 percent of the 322 corporate executives surveyed said Illinois was unfavorable due to high taxes and “anti-business climate/regulation.”

“With the battle for business more intense than ever, states and their economic development organizations need to pay close attention to the results of this survey,” Development Counsellors International (DCI) President Andrew T. Levine said in a statement. “Whether accurate or misguided, perceptions about a location’s business climate often play a crucial role in site selection decisions and where companies invest money and create jobs.”

Texas, North Carolina and South Carolina had the most favorable business climates, according to the survey.

More at the link. But Illinois’ business climate is so bad that the family of an Illinois state senator is moving their business out-of-state!

Mike Frerichs is running to keep his seat in the 52nd District Senate seat from Champaign County. He clams he’s all about small businesses in Illinois. Yet, things have gotten so bad during histerm in office that his own family is moving their business out of Illinois and into Indiana.

On the main page of his Senate website, Frerichs is all proud of the “job-creation program” he had a hand in but the best “job-creation program” would be to make Illinois more business friendly and tax-hike-Mike has no desire to do that at all.

The business climate in Illinois under Frerichs and Democrat Governor Pat Quinn is so bad that even Frerichs’ own family is moving its business out of the state.

Recently The Champaign News-Gazette reported that Frerichs cousin moved his trucking business from Illinois over to Covington, Indiana.

Frerichs’ cousin admitted that it is all true and that Illinois’ horrid business climate drove him out of the state.

Readers will not be surprised to learn that Mike Frerichs is a Democrat.

Illinois is doing just what our friends on the left say government should be doing as far as taxes and the economy are concerned, and the result is a loss of businesses, a state government which cannot fund its pension system, and calls for even higher taxes. Simply put, the Democrats’ economic policies are being put into practice, and they are not working!

The section above the line was published on THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL on December 21st. Today, I found this on Patterico’s Pontifications:

Chevron Moves Hundreds of Employees to Texas from California

Patterico @ 10:32 pm


Chevron Corp. will move as many as 800 jobs to Houston from its California headquarters to support its exploration and production operations, the company told employees Thursday.

The oil giant will maintain its corporate headquarters in San Ramon – just east of San Francisco – where 6,500 employees work.

In an email to its workers, Chevron said jobs moving to Houston include employees in support groups involved with technology, procurement and business development.

“Moves in these groups are expected to take place over the next two years to support our growing upstream business,” the company email said.

I wonder how many businesses are relocating employees from Texas to California. Somehow, I suspect not many.

An interesting move. Chevron is moving support jobs to Houston, which will improve efficiency and (presumably) lower costs. “Moves in these groups are expected to take place over the next two years to support our growing upstream business,” the company e-mail stated, and it makes sense that such jobs would be closer to the physical activity involved. The corporate leadership remains in California, so most of the top executives don’t have to move.

California and Illinois are both following the Democrats’ preferred model for government: unsupportably high government spending, and a high tax regime. Now the Pyrite State is losing another 800 good jobs. Those jobs might or might not have been moved anyway, even if California were governed better, but the anti-business attitude on the Left Coast couldn’t have helped swing the decision toward keeping the jobs in San Ramon.

Posted in economics, Oil | Tagged: , , , | 1 Comment »

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/11/19

OK, most people will see this as more of a Hallowe’en to Thanksgiving recipe, but it’s really for all year ’round. It’s gone around my e-mail group, but York lost it and needed it again, so I said to myself, “Self, the whole purpose behind these cookies is lost, if you keep it a secret! Why don’t you tell the world, hey?”¹

  • 2 cups canned pumpkin
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup cooking oil
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp milk
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 bag Nestle’s Toll House chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350º F. Combine pumpkin, sugar and oil in a mixing bowl. Add flour, baking powder cinnamon and salt, mixing well. Mix soda and milk in a separate container, then add to cookie mixture. Stir in chocolate chips and vanilla.

Drop by spoonfuls onto an ungreased cookie sheet, and bake @ 350º F until done; about 15 to 20 minutes. Serve warm with lots and lots of ice-cold milk, and napkins, since you’ll get melted chocolate chips all over your fingers.

And these cookies can be enjoyed by Democrats and Republicans, moonbats and wingnuts, and even the occasional Ron Paul supporter.
¹ – I’m guessing that some people will figure out from where that quote came. 🙂

Posted in food | 1 Comment »

Texas vs California

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/11/14

From the Non-Hyphenated American:

The governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the governor’s dog, then bites the governor. The governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie Bambi and then realizes he should stop because the coyote is only doing what is natural.

He calls animal control. Animal control captures the coyote and bills the state $200 for testing it for diseases and $500 for relocating it. He calls a veterinarian. The vet collects the dead dog and bills the state $200 for testing it for diseases. The governor goes to the hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and getting his bite wound bandaged.

The running trail gets shut down for six months while the California Fish and Game Department conducts a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is now free of dangerous animals. The governor spends $50,000 in state funds implementing a ‘coyote awareness program’ for residents of the area. The Legislature spends $2 million to study how to better treat rabies and how to permanently eradicate the disease throughout the world.

The governor’s security agent is fired for not stopping the attack. The state spends $150,000 to hire and train a new agent with additional special training, re: the nature of coyotes. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) protests the coyote’s relocation and files a $5 million suit against the state.

The governor of Texas is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and tries to attack him and his dog. The governor shoots the coyote with his state-issued pistol and keeps jogging.

The governor spent 50 cents on a .380-caliber, hollow-point cartridge. Buzzards ate the dead coyote.

And that, my friends, is why California is broke and Texas is not.

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Veterans’ Day 2012

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/11/11

From Cassy Fiano, six days ago:

Remember Fort Hood: Three Years Later

by CASSY | NOVEMBER 5, 2012

Three years ago today, there was a jihadist attack on Fort Hood perpetrated by Major Nidal Hasan. Michelle Malkin has the names of those murdered, which included one soldier’s unborn baby:

  1. LTC Juanita Warman, 55, Havre de Grace, Md.
  2. MAJ Libardo Caraveo, 52, Woodbridge, Va.
  3. CPT John P. Gaffaney, 54, San Diego, Calif.
  4. CPT Russell Seager, 41, Racine, Wis.
  5. SSG Justin Decrow, 32, Plymouth, Ind.
  6. SGT Amy Krueger, 29, Kiel, Wis.
  7. SPC Jason Hunt, 22, Tillman, Okla.
  8. SPC Frederick Greene, 29, Mountain City, Tenn.
  9. PFC Aaron Nemelka, 19, West Jordan, Utah
  10. PFC Michael Pearson, 22, Bolingbrook, Ill.
  11. PFC Kham Xiong, 23, St. Paul, Minn.
  12. PVT Francheska Velez, 21, Chicago, Ill. and her unborn baby
  13. Michael G. Cahill, Cameron, Texas [civilian]

It still breaks my heart thinking of Pvt. Velez especially, who cried out for her baby as she lay dying.

A pregnant soldier shot during a rampage at a Texas Army post last year cried out, “My baby! My baby!” as others crawled under desks, dodged bullets that pierced walls and rushed to help their bleeding comrades, a military court heard Monday.

A soldier had just told Spc. Jonathan Sims that she was expecting a baby and was preparing to go home, when the first volley of gunfire rang out Nov. 5 in a Fort Hood building where soldiers get medical tests before and after deploying.

“The female soldier that was sitting next to me was in the fetal position. She was screaming: ‘My baby! My baby!’” Sims said.

It’s pretty much a known fact for anyone with more than two brain cells in their head that the attack on Fort Hood was a terrorist attackHasan had plenty of evidence against him there. He defended suicide bombings and said that Muslim service members were justified in killing US troops. He was in contact with Anwar al-Awlaki, one of the world’s most notorious terrorists. And what did they discuss? Carrying out jihad in the United States.

Yet Barack Obama continues to classify this attack as “workplace violence”.

Shame on him.

How can there be shame on someone who is shameless?

If there was ever a time for the Commander-in-Chief to change the designation away from the idiotic “workplace violence” tag to something which would allow the award of Purple Hearts to the victims of Nidal Hasan’s deliberate attack on American soldiers, Veterans’ Day would be that time.

I do not understand why he does not; it isn’t as though doing so could somehow inflame passions of the Muslims around the world against the United States more; we are at war against the Islamists, and are actively killing them in Afghanistan, directly, through combat, and in Pakistan via the occasional drone attack against al Qaeda leaders. We sent SEAL Team 6 into Abbottabad, Pakistan, to eliminate Osama bin Laden, and we used unmanned drones in Yemen to kill Anwar al-Awlaki and then his son,Abdulrahman al-Awlaqi, though the actual target at that time was (supposedly) Ibrahim al-Banna, an Egyptian al Qaeda operative. The Muslims know that we are at war with the Islamists, and the American people know that we are at war with the Islamists, and there is really no reason at all not to designate the Fort Hood massacre as an Islamist attack on our soldiers.

THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL salutes our veterans on Veterans’ Day, and as much as I can speak for our host here, TRUTH BEFORE DISHONOR does as well.
Related articles:

Posted in Islam, military, war | Tagged: , , , , | 1 Comment »

Presidential Medal of Freedom for Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/10/30

From Bruce Kesler:

Presidential Medal Of Freedom for Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty

My friend at the Mellow Jihadi is the first I’ve seen to suggest that the former Navy SEALs who went against orders and so bravely risked and lost all, taking down so many of the enemy, deserve to receive the Presidential Medal Of Freedom (being out of military service, the Congressional Medal Of Honor doesn’t apply). Surely, as well,  they should receive stars in the CIA’s lobby.

My only question is whether it will be President Obama who makes the award, the hypocrisy of he doing so wouldn’t faze him, or President Romney, who will in the citation reveal much that is now hidden by the Obama administration and its media lackeys.

Mr Kesler might be wrong: President Obama might never authorize such, being that Messrs Woods and Doherty disobeyed the order to “stand down.”

Posted in Character, war | Tagged: , | 1 Comment »

A dry straight razor

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/10/18

John Hitchcock has informed me that Lee DeCovnick of the American Thinker picked up and referenced my article, The Fort Hood Massacre victims: no Purple Hearts for them!, published on TRUTH BEFORE DISHONOR. It was published on THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL as well, but the link was to the article on Mr Hitchcock’s site.

It’s interesting that that link came today; Sister Toldjah tweeted:

Here’s the story:

Army appeals court rules Fort Hood shooting suspect can be forcibly shaved before trial

Published October 18, 2012 | Associated Press

FORT HOOD, Texas – An Army appeals court has ruled that the Fort Hood shooting suspect can have his facial hair forcibly shaved off before his murder trial.

The U.S. Army Court of Criminal Appeals’ opinion issued Thursday upheld the military trial judge’s decision to order Maj. Nidal Hasan to appear in court clean shaven or be forcibly shaved.

It also ruled that Col. Gregory Gross, the judge, properly found that the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act doesn’t give Hasan the right to have a beard while in uniform at trial.

Hasan has said the beard is an expression of his Muslim faith. His attorneys say they’ll appeal the ruling.

I wonder: do they have to use lather and hot water, or is a dry straight razor acceptable? 🙂

Of course, I’m sure that they will use an electric razor on this fine example of the religion of peace.

I suspect that Major Hasan’s insistence on wearing a beard is less “an expression of his Muslim faith” than it is of doing what little he can to spite the Army and the United States again. If it were truly his Muslim faith, after having launched a martyrdom attack, he would proudly plead guilty and ask for a sentence of death. Perhaps he thinks that he’ll be able to use his court martial to issue some kind of grandiose statement, but the presiding officer will quickly squelch that.

I don’t recall discussing the death penalty much on THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL, but readers of my old site will recall that I am opposed to capital punishment. Major Hasan could be sentenced to death if found guilty, and part of me would like to see that, just so we could see how the brave Islamist warrior shrinks from such a fate and appeals the sentence. But, in reality, the best sentence would be life in prison, deprived of all of his religious materials, with a crucifix hanging on his wall, forever out of his reach, and a promise to throw his body to the pigs when he finally dies. Let him languish, remembering every day as he urinates and defecates in his diaper¹ that while he may have killed fourteen people who were better than him, he is really a small and unimportant man creature, headed only for Hell.
¹ – Major Hasan was paralyzed from the waist down by fire from the security guards who finally stopped his rampage.

Posted in crime, Islam, Law, military, Religion, terrorists, war, We Won't Miss You | Tagged: , , , | 8 Comments »

Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/09/29


Netanyahu’s Bomb Diagram During U.N. Speech Stirs Confusion in Israel

By Isabel Kershner and Rick Gladstone | Published: September 28, 2012

JERUSALEM — When the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, drew his red line on a cartoonish diagram of a bomb from the podium of the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, he intended to illustrate in simple terms the point at which Iran’s uranium enrichment program must be stopped, at least in Israel’s view, to thwart a final sprint to a nuclear weapon.

Instead, the attention-grabbing performance seems to have created confusion in, of all places, Israel.

Mr. Netanyahu’s bomb was divided into sections marked 70 percent and 90 percent, representing the progress Iran has made, and is expected to make, toward amassing enough enriched uranium for a bomb, Israeli officials and experts said. Mr. Netanyahu drew his red line at 90 percent, asserting that the Iranians would be 90 percent along the way by next spring or summer.

But on Friday, Yediot Aharonot, a popular newspaper, published a drastically different interpretation. It assumed, erroneously, that Mr. Netanyahu had been referring not to progress made by Iran, but to actual percentages of uranium enrichment in his diagram, now known as the “Bibi Bomb,” a reference to Mr. Netanyahu’s nickname.

Much more at the link.

Whether Prime Minister Netanyahu meant that the Iranians were 70% on the way to being able to build an atomic bomb, or he was referring to 70% enrichment having been achieved, either is worrisome. Current guesstimates have Iran with a stockpile of uranium enriched to about 20% U235, which is considered weapons usable, for a crude bomb, but as the enrichment levels get lower, the amount needed to reach a critical mass grows very large. Uranium enriched to 85% U235 is considered weapons grade. However, once 20% enrichment has been achieved, further enrichment to 90% does not take that long.

Haaretz claimed that the Prime Minister’s speech was meant much more for the Israeli public:

In UN speech, Netanyahu targets Iran, but aims for Israeli public

By Aluf Benn, Editor-in-Chief | Sep.29, 2012 | 4:01 PM

In his wildest fantasy, after going up to the podium to deliver his speech at the United Nations General Assembly and voicing predictable warnings about the Jewish historical plight, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu likely pictured himself pulling out a note from his blazer and reading the dramatic message:

“IDF Chief just informed me of the successful completion of an operation against Iran’s nuclear facilities. Our soldiers are on the way home with no reported casualties, holding enriched Uranium Iran has harbored in recent years. The threats on Israel, the Gulf States and the global economy have been removed. I want to take this opportunity to thank all IDF combatants for their remarkable achievement, and join me in applauding them.”

But this wild dream did not come true. IDF soldiers remained in their bases, and the enrichment of uranium persists. Netanyahu settled for the thick red marker, which he used to draw a red line on a bomb diagram he brought from home, and tried to explain to the international community where and when to stop Iran before it’s too late.

Placing Iran at the top of his agenda serves Netanyahu’s political goals well ahead of a campaign cycle in which he will be running for his third term as Israel’s premier. He is perceived by the public as the only statesman capable of confronting the Iranian challenge, and his focus on the issue has only catapulted him to the top of the polls.

Netanyahu is, as usual, attentive to his public, catering his UN speech on Thursday to polls at home, which indicate that Israelis are concerned about Iran, but think the U.S. is the one that should take the country on, not Israel. Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have not succeeded in convincing public opinion that the IDF can handle the Iranian threat on its own. The public has spoken: Not now and not alone.

Netanyahu’s speech was precisely suited to this position: He called on the international community to determine a red line on Iran – or in other words to threaten it with war – and did not proclaim that Israel would go it alone if “the world” disappoints it. Netanyahu wanted to sound resolute, just like viewers at home love, but without barking up a tree he will have a hard time climbing down from.

Mr Benn states that the Israeli public prefer that the United States take the lead on this issue, and are not inclined to support a go-it-alone position on the part of Israel.

But when facing an existential threat, Israel may not be able to afford to rely on others. The generation which survived the Holocaust is mostly gone now, and the few survivors remaining who were older than toddlers at the time are at least in their seventies, but the history is clear: when the Jews of Europe depended on other people for their survival, half of them were slaughtered, and the other half would have been had the Third Reich won the war.
Added (admin): Also see Dana Pico’s Binyamin Netanyahu: “Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?”

Posted in Islam, Israel | Tagged: , , | 1 Comment »

Mitt Romney told the truth!

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/09/17

The Democrats are pushing this meme, as though it’s somehow a bad thing. Well, yup, he said it, and he told the absolute truth! He won’t ever convince the welfare malingerers and those dependent on government that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. He won’t ever persuade a 30 year old college student, one able to afford an expensive private school like Georgetown University, that she should be expected to buy her own birth control pills, and not depend on someone else to do it for her. He will never persuade those people who think that other people somehow owe them a living that they should take care of themselves. He will never convince the occupiers and the fleabaggers that they are responsible for their own lives and own success, and that they need to grow the [insert slang term for fornicate here] up.

And this is why the TEA Party exists, this is why so many working class people will vote Republican. We do our best to take care of ourselves, we do our best to be responsible for ourselves and our families, and we work damned hard to support ourselves and our families; we don’t have the time or the energy or the money to carry the fornicating malingerers on our backs!

The vast majority of conservatives wouldn’t have any problem at all paying taxes to help people less fortunate, if they were truly just unable to support themselves. But most of us get damned pissed off knowing that the welfare system in this country is loaded up not just with people who can’t work, but with people who won’t work.

Posted in Liberal, Occupy Wall Street, Personal Responsibility, Politically Incorrect, Socialists, society, truth | Tagged: , , , | 3 Comments »

Binyamin Netanyahu: “Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?”

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/09/16

From Karen, the Lonely Conservative:

‘A New Standard for Human Stupidity’

September 16, 2012

We now have to look to foreign leaders to hear some common sense. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared on Meet the Press this morning, saying things that make sense. I’m surprised his comments weren’t cut.

Continuing his calls for the United States to join Israel in imposing “red lines” threatening military action if Iran continues to pursue weapons made from enriched uranium, Netanyahu told David Gregory that “Iran is guided by a leadership with an unbelievable fanaticism.”

“It’s the same fanaticism that you see storming your embassies today,” he added. “Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?”

He then lamented that some in the American press have vocalized opposition to Israel’s desired end to an Iranian nuclear program: “I mean I heard some people suggest, David — I actually read this in the American press — they said, ‘Well, you know, if you take action, that’s a lot worse than having Iran with nuclear weapons. Some have even said that Iran with nuclear weapons would stabilize the Middle East, stabilize the Middle East.”

“I think the people who say this have set a new standard for human stupidity,” he said of those opponents.

No wonder Obama doesn’t want to meet with him.

The Other McCain has more.

Bob Woodward made a very important observation on Meet the Press, that our intelligence information, that everyone’s intelligence information, is often not as accurate as they’d like to believe it is. The most well-known failure of intelligence was when the United States believed, wholeheartedly, that Iraq retained old, and was building new, chemical weapons in 2002, but it was hardly the only one. Mr Woodward stated that any claims that anyone knew, for certain, exactly how far along Iran was toward building nuclear weapons were foolish; their intelligence estimates might happen to be dead-on accurate, but they could also be very far off.

That, of course, brings up the very old military question: do you prepare for what you believe is the worst your enemies could do, or for what you believe they are most likely to do? For Israel, a nuclear-armed Iran is an existential threat, and the answer, for most intelligent people, would be that they must prepare for the worst Iran could do; if it turns out that they overprepared, then they will have wasted time and effort and money, but their nation will endure. If they decide to base their preparations on what they think their enemies are most likely to do, and they guess wrong, the consequences could be devastating.

And that is why, to Prime Minister Netanyahu, the notion that there is anything worse than an Iran armed with nuclear weapons “set(s) a new standard for human stupidity.” Armchair strategists who have the responsibility for nothing have the luxury of theorizing about what might or could or should or probably will or will not happen; the men with the actual responsibility of protecting their nations’ actual survival don’t have that luxury.

Posted in Islam, Israel, war | Tagged: , , , | 9 Comments »

Congratulations to President Obama!

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/09/04

He has achieved his goal early! The national debt stood at


as of the end of Friday, August 31, 2012.

Taking the averages, I had projected that the national debt would cross the $16 trillion threshold on Thursday, when Barack Obama was delivering his acceptance speech to the Democrite National Convention, but the President exceeded my expectations, and got it done early.

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Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/08/28


Israeli court throws out family’s lawsuit over death of US activist Rachel Corrie

By NBC News staff and wire reports

HAIFA, Israel — An Israeli court rejected on Tuesday accusations that Israel was at fault over the death of American activist Rachel Corrie, who was crushed by an army bulldozer during a 2003 pro-Palestinian demonstration in Gaza.

Corrie’s family had accused Israel of intentionally and unlawfully killing their 23-year-old daughter, launching a civil case in the northern Israeli city of Haifa after a military investigation had cleared the army of wrongdoing.

In a ruling read out to the court, judge Oded Gershon called Corrie’s death a “regrettable accident,” but said the state was not responsible because the incident had occurred during what he termed a war-time situation.

At the time of her death, during a Palestinian uprising, Corrie was protesting against Israel’s demolition of Palestinian homes in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

“I reject the suit,” the judge said. “There is no justification to demand the state pay any damages.”

He added that the soldiers had done their utmost to keep people away from the site. “She (Corrie) did not distance herself from the area, as any thinking person would have done.

Emphasis mine; more at the link.

If you are stupid enough to stand in front of a moving bulldozer, and ‘dozers don’t move that fast, you deserve whatever happens to you.

Corrie’s mother Cindy told a news conference after the court’s decision that the bulldozer personnel had the “ability” and also an “obligation” to have seen that her daughter was in its path.

As it happens, I am a heavy equipment operator, and I can tell you that the operator cannot see through a steel bucket or blade. The operator knows what he is doing through seeing material move past the edge of the blade, by feel (the resistance of the material to the advance of the machine), and by experience.

The operator also “knows” what he is doing through assumptions; we assume that no one is stupid enough to stand in front of the blade. This is Jack, one of the backyard bunnies. If I walk toward Jack, he sees me as a menace to his health and life, and he hops away. Heavy equipment operators assume that people are more intelligent than rabbits, and will hop out of the way of approaching heavy equipment; apparently Jack is smarter than the late Miss Corrie was, because Jack would never have simply stood in front of a moving ‘dozer!

The Israeli court was absolutely right to dismiss the lawsuit. If Cindy Corrie wants to blame somebody for her daughter’s death, she should look in the mirror and ask herself how she managed to rear a daughter dumb enough to stand in front of a moving bulldozer.

Posted in Israel, Law, Personal Responsibility, Politically Incorrect, We Won't Miss You | Tagged: , , | Comments Off on Squish!

Why Officer Moses Walker is dead

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/08/27

Five years ago, I wrote an article, on the old site, Why Officer Charles Cassidy is dead. That article noted that the then-alleged, and subsequently convicted, killer of Philadelphia Police Officer Charles Cassidy had already been arrested several times, and was treated leniently:

Unfortunately, in the City of Brotherly Love, Mayor John Street’s administration, including Police Commissioner (Sylvester) Johnson and District Attorney Lynne Abraham, apparently think that law enforcement is like fishing: if the fish they catch is too small, they just throw it back into the water.

Well, if we assume that Mr Lewis actually is the killer, the city’s “catch and release” program is directly responsible for the murder of Officer Cassidy. Mr Lewis was arrested in 2005 for drug charges, including possession with intent to distribute. In other words, he was a drug dealer. Rather than do the right thing, and prosecute him to the full extent of the law, they offered him a treatment program, and when he completed it, they not only dropped the charges, but dismissed charges, including attempted theft, committed subsequently. Then, in February of this year, he got busted again on drug charges, but on October 31st, Mr Lewis was still out on the streets.

An aberration? Perhaps not. I also noted that Philadelphia Highway Patrol Officer Patrick McDonald is dead because Daniel Giddings, his killer, was treated leniently by thankfully now retired Common Pleas Court Judge Lynn B. Hamlin, who, despite Mr Giddings’ lengthy juvenile record and pleas from Assistant District Attorney Joseph Coolican to lock up Mr Giddings for as long as the law allowed, because there was “absolutely no reason to believe” it would ever be safe to release the thug back into society, sentenced Mr Giddings to the mandatory minimum of 6-to-12 years for robbing and shooting a man in the kneecaps. Then, despite him being charged 27 times with disciplinary problems in prison and spending 537 days in solitary confinement, prison officials recommended, and the state parole board accepted, that he be paroled early.

Philadelphia Police Officer Timothy Simpson is dead because officials did not try to apprehend William Allan Foster, a junkie, career thief and scofflaw from Levittown, when he failed to appear for a series of probation violations, even though the judge ordered his arrest. Mr Foster didn’t kill Officer Simpson with a gun, which he wouldn’t have been allowed to carry, but an automobile, which he wasn’t allowed to drive.

Are you starting to see a pattern here?

Well, Philadelphia Police Officer Moses Walker, Jr, is dead because, once again, the law enforcement bureaucracy didn’t do its job:

Penna. reviewing probation policies

Work began after accused cop-killer Rafael Jones had no electronic monitoring for up to two weeks.

By Mark Fazlollah, Mike Newall, Joseph A. Slobodzian, and Dan Hardy, Philadelphia Inquirer Staff Writers

The Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole said Saturday it was reviewing its policies on monitoring probation offenders after allowing accused cop-killer Rafael Jones to go without a required electronic ankle bracelet for up to two weeks after he was released from jail and placed on house arrest.¹

Jones is accused of killing Police Officer Moses Walker Jr. on Aug. 18, 10 days after Jones walked free from a Philadelphia prison on an order from Common Pleas Judge Susan I. Schulman.

In a statement, board chairman Michael C. Potteiger said Jones was allowed to go without the monitor because there was no telephone line in the home he had been approved to live in. A landline is needed for electronic monitoring to function.

Prisoners released to house arrest are not always monitored electronically from the moment they get out of jail, according to Potteiger’s statement.

Judge Schulman had ordered electronic monitoring of Mr Jones upon his release, but her order was not carried out. Mr Jones and an alleged accomplice, Chancier McFarland, are said to have attempted to rob Officer Walker while he was walking to the bus stop, in civilian clothes, after the end of his duty shift.² Mr Walker attempted to draw his service weapon, and was gunned down.

Judge Schulman’s order for electronic monitoring was not carried out; that is certainly not the fault of the judge. However, Mr Jones was being released to house arrest after violating his existing probation on a firearms conviction; state parole agent José Rodriguez recommended that Jones be released on probation and put on electronic monitoring.

Schulman, who in 2008 sentenced Jones to a four-year prison term for a gun conviction, noted Jones’ juvenile record and warned him that she was not impressed with his record since had finished his sentence in October.

Jones’ juvenile record goes back to age 12, when he was charged with throwing a rock through his mother’s front door. He was arrested at 15 for selling drugs and then caught in a stolen Jeep.

His first gun arrest was when he was 17, when officers said they caught him with a loaded .38-caliber revolver.

“To see that I am concerned about you would be an understatement,” Schulman told Jones.

That timeline might seem confusing, but there’s more to it: Mr Jones had been arrested in February on armed robbery charges, and those charges were dropped, but he was being held on violation of probation. The Inquirer did not specify why the charges were dropped, but both the parole officer and judge had to know about the charges.

The real question is not why the law enforcement bureaucracy let Mr Jones back on the street without the ordered electronic monitoring which had been ordered by Judge Schulman, but why parole officer Rodriguez recommended, and Judge Schulman accepted, releasing him under any conditions? Why wasn’t this man in jail on the day that he shot Officer Walker? He could have been, and quite obviously should have been, but he wasn’t, and now yet another Philadelphia Police Officer is dead.

Judge Schulman said that she was concerned about releasing Mr Jones. Why, then, did she release him? By now, it ought to be obvious: when you have these thugs in custody, thugs with long rap sheets, you should lock them away for every last second that the law allows. The Judge gave Mr Jones a third or fourth chance, and he was out of jail for only ten days before he was attempting armed robbery on the streets.³ These thugs should be kept in jail, not to try to rehabilitate them — that sure doesn’t seem to work — but to keep them off the streets, away from the public. The longer they are locked up, the less time that they have available to commit crimes out on the streets.

Assuming that he is the killer of Mr Walker, Mr Jones is the man who is responsible for the death of the officer. But he was, in a very real sense, enabled by an overly lenient criminal justice system in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, one which had the power to keep him behind bars, and chose to do otherwise. Parole officer Rodriguez and Judge Schulman, and the people in the system which allowed Mr Jones out on the street without the court-ordered monitoring device, will pay no criminal penalties for their terrible decisions and their workplace negligence, but I hope that they are miserable right now, are crying themselves to sleep every night, knowing that they failed, knowing that their actions, or inaction, contributed to putting a 19-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department six feet under.
¹ – Most links to stories in The Philadelphia Inquirer become inactive after a few weeks. All links in this article were active on the date that this article was published.
² – The Inquirer reported on Friday that, according to “police sources,” Mr Jones confessed to the killing of Officer Walker.
³ – It might have been less than ten days, probably was less than ten days, but the last incident is the one we know about.

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