Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

American Liberal Times blog, and where ravening left-liberalism leads …

Posted by DNW on 2014/12/09

[Update … as the author of the subject blog below attempts to figure out what to do with his site and energies, it has become viewable once again to any of the general public who might be interested. For my own part it served well enough as a warning; as much when it was not available for a few seconds of viewing, as when it occasionally was. It may not be pleasant to watch someone lose what is left of their faculty of reason to the effects of a self-induced mania, but the image, and the lesson, certainly stays with you.]


Down the rabbit hole …



“Therein lies the path to madness”

Somebody needs serious help

Somebody needs serious help













Our erstwhile commenter John The Liberal, he of the silly hat and still proprietor of American Liberal Times, seems to have embarked on a journey that has finally lead him over the edge. Although we neither comment there any longer, nor attempt to, an occasional glance at the raving political lunacy fulminating from his blog, serves as a healthful reminder to ourselves not to let things get too out of hand; lest we end up like that. Despite his constant pleas for comment, readers of this blog will recollect that John The Liberal not only banned conservative commenters from his blog, but also reported that he went through years of postings in order to purge all trace of their past presence. This does not necessarily mean that he does not himself read conservative blogs, since his postings on his own site often reference and rail against the contemptuous views which conservatives have reportedly displayed both toward him and his product.


Now, unless he is making this up, or is referencing very old comments or newly screened comments he does not allow to post, he is reading conservative comments on conservative blogs.


Yet nursing these grievances is not quite enough. Apparently the mere fact that conservative infidels can see his blog at all is too much insult for John The Liberal to bear. Mr. Hitchcock of this blog, once reported that he was unable to return the favor of John the Liberal’s visit here, because he was peremptorily banned from American Liberal Times blog or filtered out before having even gotten one comment posted. Now, as if to prove that John The Liberal and his loyal crew of vomit eaters need no stinkin’ outsiders at all, John The Liberal, has, and apparently intentionally, banned anyone not previously cleared from even looking at his site.

How “liberal” of him.

Mine all mine

Mine all mine
























Because so many of us have been laughing at it, rather than with the American Liberal Times blog, there might be a kind of perverse logic there. If John The Liberal refuses to give up his morally shameful practices, he will at least hide them from prying eyes.


Just goes to show what self-abuse leads to ultimately …

My precious! MY PRECIOUS!

My precious! MY PRECIOUS!

One Response to “American Liberal Times blog, and where ravening left-liberalism leads …”

  1. Hoagie said

    It’s amusing to see the lengths these leftist radicals will go to hide their filthy depravity from the prying light of truth. As usual the most illiberal people are liberals. The people most likely to shut down dialogue are those always calling for “a conversation”. This is why over the past couple years I’ve evolved from tolerating leftists and occasionally talking with them to now when I won’t even post at their blogs in the virtual world nor sit in their company in the real world. Life’s too short to waste on dumbasses.

    Liked by 1 person

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