Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Archive for May 31st, 2012

Don’t Tell The Liberal Trolls

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/31

But elected Democrats are jumping parties to the Republican Party. Nice Deb has a lengthy, but far from exhaustive, list of elected Democrats running for reelection as Republicans.

If it were just one or two stories, I wouldn’t think much. Pols that never quite fit in in the first place, finally leave their party – it happens – jumping Jeff Jeffords, Joe Lieberman, and Arlen Specter come to mind.

But what we’re seeing here in the age of Obama – is something else altogether. He was supposed to stop the rise of the oceans but it looks like he’s stopping the rise of the Democrat party.

Am I exaggerating? Just look at all these recent defections – I think I detect a pattern, here.

Another important matter to make sure you don’t tell the Liberal trolls: Not all the elected Democrats who are becoming Republicans are white. Also, not all of them are men. Just what are the racist Democrats (and they are racist, since they call non-white Republicans “race traitors”) and the sexist Democrats (and they are sexist, since they declare Republican women to not be authentically female) to do?

This harkens back to the 1994 Republican wave, where Democrats jumped that sinking ship to become Republicans. But, as Nice Deb asked, are they really leaving the Democrat Party? Or did the Democrat Party leave them? Just as the 1994 jump showed, and as Rick Perry who went from being a Democrat Texas Legislator to being a Republican Texas Governor, and as Ronald Reagan who went from being a Democrat to being a Republican, it isn’t they who left the Democrats, but the Democrats who have left them.

The Democrat Party is quickly becoming the Democrat Socialist Party. And that leaves little room for sane people. Very little room for sane people within the Democrat fold.

Oh, as an aside, many of these Democrats-turned-Republicans have done so due to Barack Obama’s actions. See the above link for verification.

Posted in Christianity, Elections, history, Obama, Personal Responsibility, Philosophy, politics, Religion, Socialists, society, stereotype, truth | Tagged: , | 1 Comment »

One Of My Wild Ideas

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/31

I’m a day-dreamer. I can afford to be; no job I have ever had has been intellectually challenging in the least. Once I took the 2 or 3 days necessary to learn the job, I could park my brain outside while the rest of my body went to work. So I’ve always had massive amounts of free time on my hands while my body went through fast-paced rigors. And during times like that and time at home, I have let my mind wander through wild ideas.

But I’m also one of those types who always see problems in everything, so I try to resolve those problems in my day-dreaming wild idea developments. That makes my wild ideas very complex. Here is a simplified diagram of how my ideas work:

This particular idea sprang from Texas’ 2-year drought and my memory of the South Carolina drought and how Ohio sent loads of hay to South Carolina farmers who couldn’t grow hay for their flocks and herds. I also used the knowledge that the Israelis turned desert wasteland into agriculture-rich farmland, feeding their burgeoning population from previously barren wastelands.

So, what was my idea?

I decided it would be a good idea to build a pipeline from the Gulf of Mexico roughly 300 miles northwest into the West Texas desert wasteland, and build an agricultural paradise to rival the bread basket or the royal valley of California (which has since been shut down by US EPA and California EPA) out of refined gulf water.

That’s where my idea started. But as I said, I always, always, always see problems with everything. Barricades to be overcome. And that’s where Rube Goldberg comes in. The biggest barricades I have seen come from the Barack Obama EPA. Parts of my solution involve dealing with the Barack Obama EPA, and parts involve the Texas EPA telling the Federal EPA “Foxtrot Yankee” (or to use the more appropriate vernacular, foxtrot unicorn. An equally acceptable vernacular alternative is the foxtrot oscar response.)

***Sidenote: Even when we get rid of the Socialist Barack Obama after the 2012 election, everyone who has a brain knows that the Federal EPA is staffed with over 90 percent flaming Liberals. (See how my “here is a problem” brain works yet? If not, wait a little longer.)

So, my plan is to build a water pipeline from the Gulf of Mexico to barren northwestern Texas and turn that region into a Nebraska-like breadbasket. The very first problem to overcome is the Barack Obama EPA, which is shutting down electric generating plants in the fastest growing state in the US, creating a radical Leftist-caused Brownout or Blackout problem in Texas. And I have come up with solutions for that.

The plant at the Gulf would include a wave-generated hydro-electric plant, taking it fully off-grid. In addition, the gulf plant would have multiple large water storage tanks (making it look like a major oil refinery), and those tanks would be roofed by photovoltaic cells, producing electricity during the day. The hydro-electric plant would provide the electricity to run the other plant, while the photovoltaic cells would provide the energy to fill all the storage tanks, and run the initial pumps for the pipeline during the day.

The next step at the origination point would be to add hydro-electric generators to the point where the tanks get emptied into the pipeline. The electric power generated by releasing the pent-up energy of the stacked up water would provide a brief period of time to pump that water further inland after dark, when the photovoltaics are useless.

The next stage, since it would be a 300 mile long pipeline, is to provide the energy necessary for inland pumps to continue pumping the water inland. Each inland pump site would be solar powered and have multiple water storage tanks, to store the day’s energy for later use as it is drained back into the pipeline at night, to be pumped further inland. This would keep the entire pipeline off-grid.

Several large reservoirs at the end of the pipeline would be used to store the water until needed for agricultural or other use.

I have already discussed a couple problems with this endeavor and some possible solutions to it. But another problem is the cost-prohibitive nature of the entire thing and the low cost of water in Texas. And I have come up with a series of solutions to that problem.

At the origination point would be two plants, one to generate the hydro-electric and solarvoltaic energy to run the plants there, and another to pump the water northward. A third plant would turn that sea water into bottled water for consumer sales. (There’s a reason some company spelled “naive” backward and used that for its bottled water name.) The resulting mounds of sea salt (all table salt is sea salt) could then also be sold, and called “sea salt”. Remember how evian Liberals are. They’ll buy it, at premium prices.

The water pumped northwest to its inland end point will be unrefined sea water. The inland point will also have a plant to refine the sea water into potable water and sell off the sea salt to evian Liberals. But not all the sea water will be refined.

Water parks draw big crowds. Hot Texas summers will draw bigger crowds to water parks. A water park in the Texas desert wasteland will be a major attraction. And this water park, unlike most water parks, will be a seawater park instead of a sweetwater park. Its uniqueness will draw even more visitors, especially so far away from the sea, but still being able to smell the sea in the air. And let’s face it, riding a saltwater wave is far better than riding a sweetwater wave.

And, unlike the north, a water park in the Texas desert would only need to shut down one or two months a year, remaining open the rest of the time for major cash flow.

So, the business would sell “fresh virgin Gulf water” and “Gulf sea salt” to evian Liberals. It would also have a large, profitable theme park. It would also generate its own electricity, thus being off-grid. And it would provide massive amounts of water to a previously barren wasteland that can now sustain millions of lives. All without government money, and still able to generate a profit.

And there’s one of my wild ideas.

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Another Iris

Posted by Yorkshire on 2012/05/31

Posted in Flowers, Photography | 2 Comments »