Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Go, Read Patterico’s Lastest… Now! (Update: Donate here!)

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/29

Maryland Judge CJ Vaughey may not live in a country governed by the US Constitution but every one of Truth Before Dishonor’s authors do.

UPDATE: I thought I was being snarktastic when I added the above sentence to my blog posts yesterday, but it turns out I was far more accurate than I had thought. I thought Maryland Judge CJ Vaughey actually lived in, you know, Maryland. It turns out I was mistaken. He lives in the Caribbean, where the US Constitution and the First Amendment is not the Law of the Land. And he declared his lack of interest in US Supreme Court rulings, which ran counter to what he did. For more information, read the Conservative Commune and Patterico’s Pontifications. And I fully intend to republish Patterico’s article here.

The below article (with the above title) was originally written by Aaron Walker, a Virginia attorney who blogs under the name of Aaron Worthing on 20120525:

Update: Here’s where you can donate to help my and Robert McCain’s family.

Didn’t you hear me?  I said, now!

Joking aside, one thing I left out of my story is how Patrick wrote a long letter to Maryland state authorities urging them to drop charges against me.  I didn’t mention it, because Patrick asked me to hold it back, because it broke news that he wanted to break himself, his way.  Which is a fair request since he did me that solid by writing it in the first place.
I am 90% sure that this means that Patrick has no problem with me publishing the letter.  Here’s an excerpt from it:
Kimberlin filed a ridiculous complaint about me with the California State Bar, claiming among other things that he is “disabled” because he is a felon, and that by writing about his felonious history I was “discriminating” against the “disabled” in violation of California law.
And as soon as I get confirmation from Patrick, I will be putting up a full copy.
By the way, it is funny that they refer to disability discrimination, because there is some evidence that they are themselves practicing disability discrimination.  There is some evidence that they singled me out because I have learning disabilities, falsely believing that this made me somehow uniquely incapable of psychologically withstanding their attacks, as though being dyslexic, etc. is like being bi-polar or something.  It isn’t.  It’s more like being paraplegic or blind—one part is broken, the rest is fine.
In fact an argument can be made that growing up with my disabilities and frankly facing a level of discrimination that people in my demographic don’t ordinarily face toughened me up.  Let me give you a concrete example.

One of my disabilities, dysgraphia, in my particular case, is a disability makes it very hard to write by hand.  When I write by hand, I have been clocked at write four times the “normal” person’s speed when I print, and twelve times the normal person’s speed when I try to write in cursive.  On the other hand, when I type I am perfectly normal, and so that is what I do most of the time.

But I didn’t have that option growing up.  I couldn’t lug around a laptop computer all the time as I do today, because they didn’t exist when I was in high school (or they were prohibitively expensive—I am honestly not sure what the state of technology was back then).  So yes I dropped out of the 11th grade, but what kind of person can make it through 11 grades with that kind of difficulty weighing him down?
I’ll tell you what kind: the most stubborn b*stard you are ever likely to meet, that is what kind.  Indeed the best man at my wedding actually argued that in me my stubbornness became a virtue in me.  I was tenacious in achieving my goals, and I was stubborn in my loyalty to my friends, my dedication to justice and even in my love with my wife.
But of course most relevant here, stubbornly dedicated to seeing that justice be done.  Which is precisely why Brett Kimberlin picked the wrong man to commit a crime against.  He will pay a price for what he did, in the courts of Virginia, and hopefully in the Maryland criminal justice system, too.
Anyway, enough jawboning.  Go read Patrick’s newest piece.  It will be on par with the blockbuster post I wrote that started all of this and you know that is saying something.
And finally to everyone blogging, tweeting, Facebooking, etc. about Brett Kimberlin today, there is simply no way to thank all of you by name.  But know that I thank you, and that everyone you are defending today—not just me, but Seth Allen, Mandy Nagy (who has gone through a similar nightmare for accurately describing Brett Kimberlin’s criminal record), Patrick Frey, and Robert Stacy McCain—and probably other people whose names we haven’t learned yet.
And you are Spartacus.  Or maybe Fonzicus:
Seriously, thank you very much.

Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates.  And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent History here.  And you can read a little more about my novel, here.

Permissions declaration.

If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

I strongly urge everyone to read my permissions declaration!  I strongly urge everyone to quote in their entirety all Kimberlin articles Truth Before Dishonor has republished from Aaron’s blogsite and declare they were republished from Truth Before Dishonor!  And examine the copyright law, showing my blanket permission to repost what is found on my site to be protection against any “copyright infringement”, making a rogue judge-coerced Aaron Worthing incapable of forcing you to take-down your article.

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