Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

The Fast And Furious “Smoking Gun”

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/09/29

Laura Curtis reports on Hot Air’s recent Fast And Furious article that the ATF sold guns directly to the narco-terrorists and deliberately refused to track them. I previously reported on Fast And Furious and the mainstream media’s reticence to report it for the epic scandal that it is. And I gave a “barely scratching the surface” listing of New Media coverage, showing the New Media has been covering the epic scandal for the epic scandal it is.

Mr Morrissey begins his Hot Air article:

The New York Post’s Michael Walsh wonders when the media outrage will arrive in the aftermath of the disastrous and deadly Operation Fast and Furious. The latest revelation shows that the ATF wasn’t really interested in stopping illegal gun sales or stopping the movement of guns across the border, Walsh writes, but something else entirely. And until the national media exposes the “lies” coming from the Department of Justice, Americans simply won’t get answers as to what purpose the ATF and DoJ really intended[.]

But Laura Curtis takes a different track.

Oh, sure, it’s a smoking gun showing that the Obama administration deliberately sold guns to narcoterrorists and deliberately failed to track them. That is a huge story. Watergate pales in comparison, if for no other reason than the body count, which currently stands at over 200 people.

It is also a smoking gun for the biased media, which is roundly refusing to cover the story.

She goes on to recount the outrageously outraged and shockingly shocked mainstream media’s hyperventilating reporting of George W Bush’s completely legal activities that saved American (and other) lives. Day after day, legal action after legal action, all which saved lives, hyperventilatingly covered in the major newspapers and on the TV news outlets.

But the Obama regime’s corrupt, illegal activities that have cost over 200 innocent American and Mexican lives? Meh. American public, the mainstream media’s “not that into you.” Laura Curtis finishes her article:

If you ever wanted definitive proof that the press operates as an appendage of the Democratic party, I give you Fast and Furious. Q.E.D.

In slightly modified trucker lingo, “you got that stuff right.”

One Response to “The Fast And Furious “Smoking Gun””

  1. […] slightly modified trucker lingo, “you got that stuff right.” ________ Cross-Post Filed under Contempt for The Constitution, Contempt for The Law, Crime and Punishment, […]


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