Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

#BrettKimberlin Continues With His Intimidation Tactics

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/28

May 25, 2012 was National Write About Brett Kimberlin Day (which got international attention). It was a smashing success, much to Brett Kimberlin’s dismay. Bloggers, huge and tiny and everywhere in between, talk radio, FOX News, multiple newspapers all took part in it on the same day, 20120525. And Brett Kimberlin and crew didn’t take it lying down. No, Brett Kimberlin and crew continued with their intimidation tactics, as if those tactics wouldn’t be publicized for all the world to see.

Yes, Kimberlin’s old tactics, upon which he depended for ever so long, are now doing the exact opposite of what he desired. They’re shining more light on the evil that is Brett Kimberlin. And they’re showing that Kimberlin and crew are more than willing to use every intimidation tactic possible, “legal” or otherwise.

While there are multiple Liberal groups or outfits who are busily covering for Kimberlin or helping Kimberlin or hiding the truth because they think it is a Right v Left thing, it is not any of the sort. It’s a Right v Wrong thing. Seth Allen is a Socialist. Whether he admits it or no, he’s a Socialist. (And I expect that he’d admit so to some extent.) Politically speaking, Seth Allen is as wrong as anyone can be. But our Founding Documents, the US Constitution and US Declaration of Independence (found in my sidebar) give him the absolute right to speak his opinion and to speak out about Truth and facts and histo-facts. And Seth Allen did just that in his reporting on the criminality that is Brett Kimberlin. And Kimberlin viciously, maliciously, frivolously sued Seth Allen for telling the truth about Kimberlin. And worked to intimidate and harass Allen while falsely accusing Allen of intimidating him.

That’s how Kimberlin and crew work. It doesn’t matter if you’re a staunch Conservative (like me) or a downright Socialist (like Seth Allen). All that matters is making sure you don’t tell anyone the truth about Brett Kimberlin or his crew. So, no, this isn’t a Right v Left issue. I’m supporting a Socialist against Kimberlin. A Socialist. And Socialism is a cancer on society. I’m supporting a Socialist against Brett Kimberlin. It’s a Right v Wrong issue and not a Right v Left issue.

And, as I said, Brett Kimberlin and crew has continued, post-25MAY2012 blog-o-lanche, with their intimidation tactics.

As Aaron Worthing has very carefully shown:


Brett Kimberlin’s “Non-Political Charity” Tries to Intimidate Its Critics

First, if you are wondering why this blog is focusing on the Brett Kimberlin story, which has erupted in the last few weeks (triggered by coming out with my Blockbuster Post on how a man tried to frame me for a crime), I suggest you start here.  Bluntly, if you had been through what I had been through, you would focus on him, too.
So yesterday we had an EverybodyBlog About Brett Kimberlin day and I was profoundly moved at how well things went.  People keep thanking me, but they have it all wrong.  I have to thank them.  They have seen the what Brett Kimberlin and did to Patterico and I, yet hundreds of bloggers and thousands of twitterers and who knows how many Facebookers, etc. all participated, knowing it could happen to them.  It’s not brave to run into a minefield unawares; it is brave to run into it knowing it is a minefield.  And so the praise belongs to those people, not me.
And just this morning, we get to see more of Brett Kimberlin’s intimidation in real time.  At the Justice Through Music website (anonymized link), you get this lovely entry (in its entirety):
Thanks For All of Your Support!
May 25, 2012 – We want to thank all of you for your tremendous support this week.  Keep those donations flooding in so that those opposed to human rights and progressive values will see that their malicious attacks on youth, women, activists, Muslims, and the 99% will not be tolerated in our beloved democracy.  Please note that we are working closely with both state and federal law enforcement officials and have given them lists of all those who make inappropriate statements or contacts.  Again, thank you so much for all the donations.  We feel like Planned Parenthood after the attack on them.
Remember folks, in Brett Kimberlin’s language, criticism is an “attack.”  It’s always an attack.  So when he says that “attacks on youth, women, activists, Muslims, and the 99% will not be tolerated” he means that criticism of those groups will not be tolerated.  Even though in fact under the principle of Freedom of Expression, it must be tolerated, even if it is morally wrong (such as Hustler’s denigration of S. E. Cupp–it’s immoral but clearly legal under the First Amendment).

Second he wants you to know that they are working closely with state and federal law enforcement and they are giving a list to them of anyone who makes “inappropriate statements or contacts.”

Now of course any violence or threat of violence against them is wrong.  It is Brett Kimberlin who has resorted to violence and other forms of unlawful intimidation to get what he wants.  We are not going to stoop to that level.  We are not even going to joke about hurting him.  And I am not going to give out his personal information, like his address, his phone number or his email address.  I have indeed endeavored to redact that information from the hundreds of pages of documents I have published online.  I do not want to see him physically harmed.
So if anyone has been threatening harm to Mr. Kimberlin, his charities or anyone else, not only should the persons doing the threatening stop doing so, but they have the right to report such threats to the appropriate authorities.  But do you think they are going to limit this to just genuine threats?  Especially given that he has already alleged in court documents that my call for justice was some kind of violent threat.  No, I think that he is threatening to report anything you say that is negative against Brett Kimberlin or his charities, even if they are true.  In my opinion, it is thuggish intimidation in real time.
And I know you won’t be cowed by it.
And let’s notice a few other things, too.  First, in my opinion with any Kimberlin outfit, their claims to be working with authorities is more than likely bluster—although perhaps some journalists would be interested in verifying those claims.  Surely a spokesperson for Justice Through Music would be willing to name the officials they have been speaking with so that we can follow up with those officials?  Just a thought.
And of course their bluster about donations pouring in seems unlikely.  It is important to note that no significant voice has risen up to defend Brett Kimberlin except for one stalkerish site that is run by NOT BRETT KIMBERLIN—as Stacy McCain is wont to call him.  Indeed given that he repeatedly claimed that Seth Allen blogging about him had cost his charities donations, it seems unlikely that this high profile, highly factual exposition in major blogs and even some newspapers, it seems unlikely that the result would be increased donations.
My wife and I have lost our jobs due to the harassment of convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin, including an attempt to get us killed and to frame me for a crime carrying a sentence of up to ten years.  I know that claim sound fantastic, but if you read starting here, you will see absolute proof of these claims using documentary and video evidence.  If you would like to donate and help my wife and I in this time of need, please go to this donation page.  And thank you.

Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates.  And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent History here.  And you can read a little more about my novel, here.

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2 Responses to “#BrettKimberlin Continues With His Intimidation Tactics”

  1. […] The Camp Of The Saints, Datechguy’s Blog, and The American Catholic, Truth Before Dishonor, Nice Deb, American Power, hogewash, LEE STRANAHAN dot COM, Instapundit and Patterico’s […]


  2. […] Preservation, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, FilmLadd Blogs, That Mr. G Guy’s Blog and Truth Before Dishonor — thanks!Michelle Malkin has been absolutely on fire over this. Category: Aaron […]


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