Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

#BrettKimberlin Aaron Worthing Out On Own Recognizance, Pleads For Financial Help

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/05/29

Maryland Judge CJ Vaughey may not live in a country governed by the US Constitution but every one of Truth Before Dishonor’s authors do.

UPDATE: I thought I was being snarktastic when I added the above sentence to my blog posts yesterday, but it turns out I was far more accurate than I had thought. I thought Maryland Judge CJ Vaughey actually lived in, you know, Maryland. It turns out I was mistaken. He lives in the Caribbean, where the US Constitution and the First Amendment is not the Law of the Land. And he declared his lack of interest in US Supreme Court rulings, which ran counter to what he did. For more information, read the Conservative Commune and Patterico’s Pontifications. And I fully intend to republish Patterico’s article here.

From The Gateway Pundit (HT The Right Planet), Aaron Worthing, who was led off in cuffs, was let out on his own recognizance. Maryland Judge CJ Vaughey, who retired in 2005 and has absolutely no understanding of the internet at all, along with his absolute lack of knowledge that the US Constitution and the First Amendment even exist, much less what they say, fell into the convicted bomber, convicted forger, convicted perjurer, convicted drug-runner’s trap, and helped Brett Kimberlin intimidate and harass another person who was guilty of telling the truth about Brett Kimberlin.

Anyway, Virginia attorney Aaron Walker has sent out a plea for financial assistance, and Gateway Pundit has that plea.


Update:  Aaron Worthing just Tweeted this message asking for help…

I cant say more until I talk to my lawyer but… i do really need your help right now. And I appreciate your support.

A subsequent Tweet from Aaron Worthing says he’s free, but pleads for donations

Actually I can add that i am free at the moment. But please donate. Hate 2 beg, but please…

You can donate here.

Permissions declaration.

If you like what you read and you know Brett Kimberlin’s history, feel free to hit my tip jar found in my sidebar.

I strongly urge everyone to read my permissions declaration! I strongly urge everyone to quote in their entirety all Kimberlin articles Truth Before Dishonor has republished from Aaron’s blogsite and declare they were republished from Truth Before Dishonor! And examine the copyright law, showing my blanket permission to repost what is found on my site to be protection against any “copyright infringement”, making a rogue judge-coerced Aaron Worthing incapable of forcing you to take-down your article.

2 Responses to “#BrettKimberlin Aaron Worthing Out On Own Recognizance, Pleads For Financial Help”

  1. […] Girl, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Cold Fury, hogewash, The Daley Gator, Pink Flamingo Bar, Truth Before Dishonor, Examiner, The Lonely Conservative, Instapundit, The Gateway Pundit, FilmLadd Blogs, Wake up […]


  2. […] hogewash, The Daley Gator, Pink Flamingo Bar, SOOPERMEXICAN, Datechguy’s Blog, Twitchy, Truth Before Dishonor, Examiner, The Lonely Conservative, Nice Deb, American Power, Michelle Malkin, Atlas Shrugs, […]


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