Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Archive for May 24th, 2011

The Republican Path To The Presidency

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/05/24

The lamestream media wants to nominate the Republican Presidential candidate for us like it did in 2008 with the help of Democrats voting in the Republican Primary. Then, they propped up the squishiest of candidates until McCain gained the nomination. And KABLOWIE!!! The lamestream media turned on him in an instant, printing unsubstantiated rumors that turned out to be lies, and attacking him with everything they had. But only after he beat out more conservative candidates. McCain didn’t help matters by absolutely refusing to fight Obama and refusing to allow his people to fight Obama. And throwing a hissy fit when other people fought Obama. McCain’s only saving grace was choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate. Suddenly, many people were willing to vote for the Republican Ticket. I, myself, was ready to vote Third Party until he chose Palin. No way was I going to vote McCain, and I didn’t — I voted Palin.

Once again, the lamestream media is trying to nominate the Republican candidate — a candidate they won’t vote for, regardless. And the Big Government Republican machine is acting as the accomplice. You see, the Ruling Class Republicans are more afeared of the Grass Roots than they are of Democrats. And that’s the huge problem.

7 in 10 grass-roots Republicans and a majority of independents deem the Ruling Class Republicans (inside the beltway Republicans) to be out of touch with and to the left of the base.
42 percent Conservative
36 percent Moderate
20 percent Liberal
And the Ruling Class Republicans are Moderate, the whole lot of them. “You cannot win without us” is a two-way street, folks, and don’t you forget it. Lamestream media and the RCR want you to forget that. The RCR cannot win without you and they want to keep you down and ignorant and stupid so you vote for RCR-approved candidates instead of voting your conscience.

Due to my weak research skills, I couldn’t find the famous quote from the famous European writer who described Americans as rubes and country-class folk who eschewed aristocracy and governed themselves. But that’s how Americans were until the 20th Century. And that’s what made America great. The 20th Century rolled around and the Ruling Class gained power, and that has been the downfall of the US. Our 20th Century achievements have been made as a result of inertia and world events (WWI and WWII propelling the US onto the World Stage because nobody else was able to produce). Ruling Class Socialism in the US began prior to World War One and has caused the deterioration of the US since then.

But I did find some very worthwhile quotes.

“The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.” — John F Kennedy (Too bad the Democrats absolutely demand surrender and submission today.)

“I think the most un-American thing you can say is, “You can’t say that”.” — Garrison Keillor (And the Left is very busily working hard to prevent anyone on the Right from being able to say anything. The same goes for the RCRs and the grass-roots.)

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” — Thomas Jefferson (Hello, Democrats and RCRs.)

“We can have no “50-50″ allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all.” — Theodore Roosevelt (Hello, Democrats and Barack Obama)

“America’s abundance was not created by public sacrifices to “the common good”, but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes.” — Ayn Rand (Hello, Democrats and Barack Obama and RCRs.)

“The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.” — Henry David Thoreau (Hello, Democrats and Barack Obama and RCRs.)

For most of American History, Americans have rejected the Aristocracy, the Ruling Class mentality of Europe. And for most of American History, we have outclassed the entirety of the world in every measure (except barbarity). But as the 20th Century rolled in, we started giving in to Socialism (which has never, anywhere, succeeded) and European-style Aristocracy. And that has been to our demise. Ronald Reagan changed that picture.

The Democrats absolutely ate him alive. The lamestream media absolutely ate him alive (but I’m repeating myself). The RCRs, including George Herbert Walker Bush, absolutely ate him alive. But he won anyway, despite being called a dunce and considered stupid, ignorant, unwise, a fool by both the Democrats and the RCRs. He won because he appealed to the regular people. He made sense to the regular people, who eschewed Aristocracy and Socialism and held to the original American Values that made this country great.

Reagan was mostly victorious against the Democrats and the RCRs. Reagan absolutely brought about the collapse of the Stalinist Iron Curtain and ushered in a new age of Freedom to Eastern Europeans. Reagan oversaw the crushing of the Carter Malaise/Stagflation and brought about the greatest economic boom since the 1940s.

Then came the RCR Bush 41 and his “read my lips” lie, which brought on the Big Government “think with his prick” Democrat perjurist Clinton and the RCR Bush 43. And the free-fall into Socialist Hell was once again in full swing. But Barack Obama changed all that. The Socialist Democrat Barack Obama put a jet-pack on the free-falling US to send us into total Socialist impoverishment (as all Socialist schemes inevitably lead to impoverishment).

But there is a cure. And it’s pretty much the same cure Ronald Reagan used. Ignore the lamestream media which has sold its soul to the Far Left and focus on the people themselves. But today is very different than 1980. Today, true American Values cannot be found in some regions, so those regions may as well be written off from the get-go (and repaired later in the process).

As such, my view for a Conservative Republican’s path to the Presidency:
1. Forget about California’s Primary.
California will vote majority Democrat, regardless of who runs.
California’s Republicans are majority RCR regardless, and a candidate who wins the RCR vote will not defeat the Democrat who scores higher in the areas the RCRs work in.

2. Forget about most of New England.
Aside from maybe New Hampshire (and possibly Maine), the Democrat will win New England regardless of the Republican candidate.
The majority of New England Republicans are RCR types and the Democrat scores higher on RCR values than RCR candidates.

3. Forget about the lamestream media.
While they will try to pick the Republican nominee like they did in 2008, they will still destroy that nominee and vote for the Democrat, so their opinions are worth less than a possum skin after it was run over by a CSX train.

4. Focus on the grass-roots Conservatives outside California and New England.
The best chance for a Republican victory resides everywhere except the West Coast and New England. As such, those are the Primary and Caucus voters the Republican candidates need to focus on.

5. Don’t be “me, too” to the Democrat or RCR position. Provide a true contrast in agendas.
Too many people see the two Party monstrosities as basically the same thing. Six of one, half a dozen of another. Provide a true difference from the “government owns and rules all” Democrats and RCRs. As Reagan proved, and the TEA Party groups demand, this is the winning hand. A return to what made America great is what the people demand, not a “me, too” Aristocracy and continued government dominance over every aspect of Americans’ lives.

Note to you RCRs out there: Be warned, you are on your way out of grace. This includes Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Karl “Tokyo” Rove, and others.

Posted in Conservative, Constitution, economics, Elections, George Bush, Liberal, media, Obama, Over-regulation, Personal Responsibility, Philosophy, politically correct, Politically Incorrect, politics, society, Tax, TEA Party | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Republican Path To The Presidency

What Those Self-Proclaimed Right Wing Extremist™ Blogs Are Saying

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/05/24

Since the radical Leftist government wants to keep track of Right Wing Extremist™ activities, I figured I’d help them out. Here are some of the things the Self-Proclaimed Right Wing Extremist™ blogs are saying:

Beers with Demo on Indiana eradicating the US Fourth Amendment:

One gets the sense that the ruling views the 4th amendment as somewhat anachronistic in that the threat of brutish red coats violating the sovereignty of our property is long past and that any apparent violations can be addressed in the refined civility of the court room. There may no longer be any red coats but we don’t see how that is justification for relaxing our guard against tyranny via the unwarranted search and seizure of our property by the government or anyone else for that matter.

Common Sense Political Thought on more of Socialist Noam Chomsky’s idiocy (this time regarding the Islamic Terrorist bin Laden):

He could have been shot in the back of the head without it being “execution-style,” if he happened to turn around in fear. But, quite frankly, if the SEALs had him down on his knees, and did shoot him in the back of the head, it was absolutely the right thing to do. Capturing him alive, and bringing him to the United States or anywhere else for trial would have led to years of outlandish legal actions and provided the impetus for God only knows how many terrorist kidnappings and attacks in “exchange” for the captured al Qaeda leader.

Head Noises on Herman Cain and Israel (that she cross-posted here at my behest):

“The Palestinian right of return” is NOT an explanation when someone responds “right of return?”
I thought the interviewer had at least said something like “the ability for those Palestinians who use to live in the land that is now Israel to return to Israel.” Sure, the interviewer explained it a little more afterwards, and Cain reiterated that IT IS UP TO ISRAEL. Not seeing a big problem, there, if one ignores the automatic baggage. Anybody with some unbiased brain power knows that Israel, left to her own choices, is pretty good at surviving.

The Other McCain on AP’s disgraceful radically left-weighted polling:

‘That’s Not a Poll That’s Psy-Ops!’

So says Da Tech Guy about an Associated Press poll that surveyed nearly twice as many Democrats (35%) as Republicans (18%). You will perhaps not be surprised that this poll shows Obama with a 63% approval rating.

Speaking of “psy-ops” — psychological warfare — let me explain something: Nothing so sways the independent voter as bandwagon psychology.

On to those Right Wing Extremist™ blogs who are not self-proclaimed but just trying to hide it…

The Liberator Today discusses the TEA Party and Presidential Issues (and I’m not in full agreement, and that’s obvious when you read the article).

Michelle Malkin writes about consummate insider and Statist Republican Newt Gringrich trying to make like an outsider.

The Wintery Knight pushes for a Michele Bachmann Presidential candidacy.

Caffeinated Thoughts explains why same-sex marriage is not a civil rights issue.

Secondhand Smoke discusses the ObamaNation threatening to cut off Indiana’s poor from Medicaid since Indiana cut off the abortion mill Planned Parenthood.

There, I think I helped the radical Leftist government keep track of the Right Wing Extremist™ blogs enough… and helped sane people realize what’s going on with the radical Leftist, America-hating ObamaNation Administration of late.

Posted in Blogging Matters, Character, Conservative, Constitution, Elections, Health Care, Islam, Israel, Liberal, media, Obama, Over-regulation, Palin, Personal Responsibility, Philosophy, politically correct, Politically Incorrect, politics, Religion, society, stereotype, Tax, TEA Party, terrorists, war | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »