Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Barack Obama: The Most Corrupt President Ever

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/09/15

A new scandal has broken out surrounding the Obama administration, and this could be big (just like all the others could be big). Ed Morrissey reports on a Daily Beast article breaking the story. From the Daily Beast article:

The four-star Air Force general who oversees U.S. Space Command walked into a highly secured room on Capitol Hill a week ago to give a classified briefing to lawmakers and staff, and dropped a surprise. Pressed by members, Gen. William Shelton said the White House tried to pressure him to change his testimony to make it more favorable to a company tied to a large Democratic donor.

The episode—confirmed by The Daily Beast in interviews with administration officials and the chairman of a congressional oversight committee—is the latest in a string of incidents that have given Republicans sudden fodder for questions about whether the Obama administration is politically interfering in routine government matters that affect donors or fundraisers. Already, the FBI and a House committee are investigating a federal loan guarantee to a now failed solar firm called Solyndra that is tied to a large Obama fundraiser.

Now the Pentagon has been raising concerns about a new wireless project by a satellite broadband company in Virginia called LightSquared, whose majority owner is an investment fund run by Democratic donor Philip Falcone. Gen. Shelton was originally scheduled to testify Aug. 3 to a House committee that the project would interfere with the military’s sensitive Global Positioning Satellite capabilities, which control automated driving directions and missile targeting, among other things.

Someone in the White House pressuring people to give intentionally misleading testimony under oath? Where have we heard that before? Oh, that’s right. There’s that whole Bill Clinton conviction thing. And the Obama administration strong-arming a US Air Force 4-star General to mislead Congress with his sworn testimony in a move to try to send kick-backs to a Democrat donor? In a move that could harm the US military in a major way? As Ed Morrissey said, this scandal is big enough to “make the disappearance of $535 million in taxpayer funds [with Solyndra] look like a paperwork glitch.”

And the Obama administration’s deep ties with Solyndra and the scandal surrounding that is Watergate level. The Obama administration has tried to tie the government loan to Bush, of course, since everything Obama does is Bush’s fault. But on January 9, 2009, the Bush administration rejected the loan application. And in August, 2009, the Obama administration was rushing the Office of Management and Budget to get on board with the Solyndra loan, even though OMB had very major reservations about Solyndra.

Then there’s the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation that had a summary judgment of guilty but Department of Injustice Secretary Holder decided to drop everything and throw it out because they were black. He was backing “his people” meaning blacks, and he said so explicitly. The American people weren’t Holder’s “people”. Only the black people. That’s another major scandal for the Obama administration.

But the King of Scandals is the Fast and Furious/Gunwalker/Gunrunner scandal. It makes Watergate seem like the Holiday Inn. The Obama administration intentionally allowed illegal gun sales and intentionally allowed those guns to cross the border into Mexico. And many people spoke up about it before anything happened, but to no avail. And then, with the Obama administration’s willful enabling of Mexican drug cartels’ acquisition of American guns, the Mexican drug cartels did what they do with guns. They used those guns to murder innocent Mexican civilians, Mexican law enforcement, Mexican politicians, Mexican military and innocent American civilians, American law enforcement officers. And the guns keep trickling in at murder scenes on both sides of the border.

And there are Obama’s deep ties with unrepentant terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrne, with SEIU purple people beaters, with ACORN and its systemic nationwide voter registration fraud and other systemic nationwide crimes.

Had any one of these scandals hit with a Republican President, the nation would be rocked, the White House would be rocked, and there would be three distinct groups of people in the administration:
1) Those fleeing the sinking ship.
2) Those circling the wagons (and looking for an opportunity to jump into the third group).
3) Those rushing to the stage like it’s open mic night at a country bar so they could tell their story about corruption and how they weren’t involved except to try to stop it.

But Obama is a radical Leftist Democrat, and the Liberal sycophantic mainstream media covers for Democrats; far more for Obama than previous Democrats. So none of Obama’s very major scandals are getting much airplay or print space in the legacy media. With all the cover-up the mainstream media did in the run-up to the 2008 election and continue to do, they can ill afford to stop now because they know if Obama goes down in a major scandal of such huge criminally corrupt proportions, he takes them down with him. And the Democrat Party becomes a 40-year minority party — if it survives all the scandals. So the lamestream media has to continue to cover up all the thuggish activities, all the obstruction of justice, all the kickbacks, all the pay-to-play, all the corruption that is the Obama administration.

But I suspect many political ads will come out, shedding light on these scandals come next year, even if all the many investigations don’t get anywhere (what, with the Eric Holder Department of Justice doing its level best to prevent anyone from testifying). In the end, though, I suspect Obama will skate on all his corruption and still lose reelection. History books 20 years from now will not be nearly so kind. This kind of filth doesn’t stay covered up forever.

The Obama administration ignored multiple warnings regarding Solyndra. Allahpundit quotes the Associated Press:

A 2009 report by the Energy Department’s inspector general warned that the DOE lacked the necessary quality control for the loan guarantee program, which was created in 2005 to support clean-energy projects that could not obtain conventional bank loans due to high risks.

In July 2010, the Government Accountability Office said the Energy Department had bypassed required steps for funding awards to five of 10 applicants that received conditional loan guarantees.

The report did not publicly identify the companies that were not properly vetted, but congressional investigators say one of them was Solyndra. The company was the first to receive a loan guarantee after the program was expanded under the 2009 stimulus law.

In March, DOE Inspector General Gregory Friedman again faulted the loan program for poor record keeping. A report by Friedman said the program “could not always readily demonstrate, through systematically organized records … how it resolved or mitigated relevant risks prior to granting loan guarantees.” According to the report, the department kept limited or no electronic data on 15 of 18 loan guarantees examined.

The Bush administration rejected Solyndra’s loan application. The Obama administration, armed with looser Porkulus Bill regulations and a Department of Energy which was woefully incapable of handling the applications themselves and compounded it by bypassing their own requirements to pass loan guarantees and chose not to keep proper records or any records at all, accepted Solyndra’s loan application. The Department of Energy Inspector General warned the Obama administration about Solyndra and others and the problems within the DOE. The General Accounting Office sent up red flares. And then Obama’s DOE reworked the loan to put the government in a worse position when it was obvious Solyndra was going under — after all the warnings.

Solyndra spokesman David Miller also did his share of glad-handing with the White House aides handling Obama’s trip.

“If you tire of the White House life and ever decide you want to move out with your best friends in [California] let me know,” Miller emailed to White House special assistant Johanna Maska the day after the visit. He added that “we could find you a great corporate gig very quickly.”

Political Cronyism, kickbacks, violating regulations to give sweetheart deals to Obama supporters. In a proper world, large numbers up and down the Obama administration would be getting hauled off to prison, very likely going all the way to the top. But this isn’t a proper world. The Left owns the media, so radical Leftist Barack Obama and his administration get cover and concealment for all their corruption.

2 Responses to “Barack Obama: The Most Corrupt President Ever”

  1. […] Posts Liberals, I Have A Challenge For YouDemocrat Civil Rights HistoryBarack Obama: The Most Corrupt President EverNumbers Democrats Don't Want You To […]


  2. […] was intended solely to paint the Republicans in a bad light, has instead turned Democrats off. The Solyndra, LightSquared, and Fast and Furious scandals are “coming home to roost.” Obama’s “AttackWatch” crapola is […]


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