Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Editor Of Popular Internet Magazine Dead At 25

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/09/30

Samir Kahn, 25, was born in Saudi Arabia but grew up in New York. He later returned to the Middle East and began publishing the popular e-zine “Inspire” in an effort to educate English-speaking youth in world politics by speaking in their own vernacular.

I can’t do this. I can’t sanitize this dirtbag. Dude was a Mohammedan terrorist, a major cog in Al Qaeda, and at war with the US, and the rest of the civilized world for that matter. “Inspire” e-zine was a Mohammedan terrorist propaganda program intent on getting more young Americans and other young westerners to commit acts of Mohammedan terrorism against the West. Dude is buzzard food, and rightly so. The first attack missed him but the second one got him. Some other Mohammedan terrorist also bought it in the drone attacks, and his name was…

Anwar al Awlaki.

The American born Al Qaeda leader in Yemen. The man with ties to Mohammedan terrorist and mass murderer Nidal Hasan. The man who plotted the underwear bomb, the cargo plane “computer printer” bombs, and many other Mohammedan terrorist attacks and attempts. He got fried, along with several of his body guards. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

From Ed Morrissey:

Awlaki has a long history of terrorism against the US. At first considered a moderate cleric — the Bush administration invited him to the Pentagon as part of their outreach program after 9/11 — he became a suspect in the 9/11 attacks after at least three of the hijackers were traced to his mosque. Awlaki fled the US and eventually masterminded the Christmas Day underwear plot in 2009 as well as a later plot to destroy cargo airplanes bound for the US, and at least inspired the Fort Hood massacre and other so-called “lone wolf” attacks.

Assuming that Awlaki is really dead, though, this could be a bigger operational deal than getting bin Laden. Awlaki’s group, AQAP, was by far the most active internationally among AQ affiliates, and his intimate knowledge of the US made him a dangerous foe. His death won’t be the end of AQ’s attempts to create home-grown jihadis and infiltrators, but it will make that task a lot more difficult.

But RS McCain notes some serious sanitizing going on in the mainstream media. (Is anyone surprised?) The New York Times called Awlaki a “preacher,” then waited until paragraph 24, when a large percentage of people would have quit reading, to note the guy was Mohammedan. Couldn’t call him a “Muslim cleric” to start out, now, could they? CBS called him an alleged, suspected, reportedly terrorist. Ya think?

Professor Jacobson reports on all the usual Leftist suspects crying in their lattes over the fact the Al Qaeda leader who was at war with the US was killed instead of taken to court. He was at war, and violating the Geneva Convention in the process. He knew the risks in going to war with the US — you get dead — and did it anyway.

Michelle Malkin has this to say to the Leftist whiners and victimologists:

Obama’s far left flank will be unhappy if the mission to kill Awlaki, an American citizen, was successful. They will again decry such drone strikes against American citizens as unprecedented and lawless.

On this, I will come to Obama’s defense.

Awlaki’s membership and leadership in al Qaeda is undisputed.

We are at war.

The Supreme Court set the precedent for Obama’s and our military’s actions in 1942.

I’ve referred before to the Quirin precedent.

She goes on at great length to shred the Leftist whiners. You should read it.

On the death of Samir Khan, Michelle had this to say:


Fresh reports that a second U.S. jihadi was killed in the drone attack that allegedly took out al Qaeda spiritual guru Anwar al-Awlaki.

His name will be very familiar to longtime blog readers.

It’s Samir Khan[.]

I repeat: God bless our military.


My friends at top counterjihad blog The Jawa Report have been on Khan for years and helped shut down several of his jihad-inciting blogs after tracking him across the Internet (he went by the name “Inshallahshaheed”).

In 2007, I noted Khan’s death threats against the founder of The Jawa Report, who goes by the nom de blog Rusty Shackelford[.]

And Michelle goes on to provide a very good history lesson on the now dead dirtbag “Inspire” editor, including his manifesto. You should read it.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Two Mohammedan terrorist leaders dead, many more to go.

Hot Air Headlines brings an NBC report that insane nutcase “Ron Paul condemns Awlaki Assassination”. This is why you will never be President, Ron Paul.

Linked by The Other McCain
Linked by The Jawa Report

2 Responses to “Editor Of Popular Internet Magazine Dead At 25”

  1. […] idiot?UPDATE II: The passing of one of Al-Awlaki’s comrades tempts John Hitchcock to satire:Editor Of Popular Internet Magazine Dead At 25 Samir Kahn, 25, was born in Saudi Arabia but grew up in New York. He later returned to the Middle […]


  2. DNW said

    Explosive news, John.


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