Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Answer: Mister Vice President

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/10/21

Question: What do you call someone who lies about rape for political gain?

Alternate Question: What do you call someone who plagiarizes another man’s words for political gain?

Alternate Question: What do you call someone who plagiarizes another’s work while in Law School? (note the fact of his poor grades in Law School and College on top of his plagiarism)

You could also call Joe Biden an unintelligent, smarmy sleazeball who has constantly been caught in lies, but we already knew that.

The Washington Post fact-checker gave Slow Joe Biden the worst rating of “four Pinocchios” for his rape lies. Ed Morrissey has the linkage and the tale of the tape.

The question of whether Joe Biden has his facts straight is almost always an easy content generator for writers, and in most cases an entertaining mission. However, no one thinks that Biden’s claim that opponents to Barack Obama’s jobs bill want more rapes and murders is the least bit charming or entertaining; despicable would be a better term. Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post has another word for it … absurd. Not only did Biden and his office get their facts wrong — rapes have not “tripled” in Flint, but actually decreased in the period Biden cited — no one has ever made a causal link between police staffing and crime rates[.]

The Veep “should know better than to spout off half-baked facts in service of a dubious argument”? Hey, that’s Joe Biden’s entire life. Remember “Recovery Summer”? Does anyone recall Biden telling CBS News how President Franklin Delano Roosevelt went on television after the 1929 crash to reassure America, even though FDR was two years away from winning his first presidential election and the only people watching TV in 1929 were those experimenting with the technology? The only time I can recall Biden getting anything right was when he gave speeches during his presidential bid in 1987 about the hard life of his family — and the only reason he got it right was because he was talking about Neil Kinnock’s family in speeches Biden plagiarized from the British politician.

2 Responses to “Answer: Mister Vice President”

  1. […] smarmy sleazeball who has constantly been caught in lies, but we already knew that. ________ Cross-Post Filed under 2012 Election, Culture and Society, Education, Elections, Freedom from Reality, […]


  2. Yorkshire said

    There’s one thing about VP BiteMe, he relies on a stupid group of people to believe him.


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