Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular


Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/10/20

To borrow from a fast food restaurant chain, who borrowed it from American culture: I’m lovin’ it!!! Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more!!! And, pass the popcorn (coconut oil and extra butter, please)

What’s money got to do with it?

Why, everything, of course.

Let’s throw out some seemingly random points.

Barack Obama’s reelection campaign claimed at one point (was it before or after he was innaugurated?) that they would spend ONE BILLION DOLLARS (pinky stuck to the corner of their mouth, no doubt) on this reelection campaign. Even with turning off the online security that would’ve prevented fraudulent over-seas contributions and other fraudulent contributions and other election law violations, the Obama campaign is coming up waaaaaay short of that ONE BILLION DOLLARS (muhahaha) goal. Oops.

Barack Obama told the DNC and all other Democrat candidates “you’re on your own; I won’t be giving you any money”. Sucks to be them.

Barack Obama, in his original run for President, told the Unions he’d put on his comfortable shoes and be front and center in their lines, right there with them, as they pushed for whatever they were pushing for. (What do they push for, other than theft of private citizens’ property?)

So, what happened in Wisconsin when the Unions needed Obama to keep his promise? Wisconsin Unions found out they were in Flyover Country! As Obama flew over Wisconsin while visiting all the states that shared borders with Wisconsin. Obama didn’t have time for them because he was working to get himself reelected (years in advance).

And the Unions screamed in torture that the DNC and Obama weren’t ponying up the money they needed to achieve their goal.

Oh, by the way, the Unions were spending tens of millions of dollars to lose at the voting booth, all the while their forced Union dues were drying up. One of the biggest Public Employee Unions in Wisconsin lost over half of its dues-paying members in under a year, all the while, the Union was spending like gangbusters on politics.


Obama didn’t put on his comfortable shoes and walk the picket like he promised he would. Quelle dommage! Quel suprise! Obama broke a promise! A promise made to get himself elected! Because he was too busy trying to get money to get reelected to help someone not named Barack Obama. And he isn’t getting his ONE BILLION DOLLARS (muhahaha), despite his aiding and abetting fraud and felonies.

I, for one, was loudly cheering on the Unions. I strongly encouraged them to spend all the money they could, and then to spend more. For a very simple reason.

Moving on, the DNC has decided to thank the Charlotte DNC Committee for the free lunch. That’s right. The national Democrat party has stiffed the committee that organized and ran the Democrat National Convention. “Thank you for putting on this extravagant gala. No, we won’t be giving you any money.” It turns out the Charlotte DNC Committee has run 12.5 MILLION DOLLARS short in paying its bills to run a gala for Barack Obama and the National Democrats. And Obama and the National Democrats aren’t about to help the Charlotte DNC Committee in its shortfall. And the Charlotte DNC Committee is depending on future donations to pay off that 12.5 MILLION DOLLAR debt. “Hey, buddy, do you want to chip in to pay for an event that has already happened, to support a candidate and cause that lost? We could really use your money, or businesses could go bankrupt and people could lose their jobs because we can’t pay them.” That’s not going to sell.

Oh, by the way, the Unions (who support Democrats 99 percent of the time and with 99 percent of their dollars) were busy boycotting the Convention because it took place in a Right To Work state!

And now we have news about the terrible financial state of the DNC (who refused to help defray the costs of their own convention). From The Other McCain:

RNC Trounces DNC in Fundraising as Democrat Party Goes Bankrupt

[Link to site that I don’t link to] The official Federal Election Committee reports for September are out [end link to site that I don’t link to], and Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s DNC is a complete wreck. The Democrats ended September with cash on hand of $4.6 million, compared to the Republican National Committee’s $82.6 million.

That’s nearly an 18-to-1 cash advantage for Republicans.

Worse still for the DNC, they had to take out loans to pay the bills so that they owed $20.5 million at the end of September, meaning that that (subtracting cash on hand from total debt) they were $15.9 million in the red — essentially bankrupt. Wasserman-Schultz’s committee only raised $3.7 million in September; at that pace, it would take them more than four months to clear their debt, even if they didn’t spend another dime in the meantime.

So, let’s recap.

Barack Obama, who told all the other Democrats “you’ll get no money from me”, cannot get to his ONE BILLION DOLLARS (muhahaha) goal, and is losing in the polls and is losing in the Electoral College and is being rolled over by the political tide (Roll, Tide!).

The DNC, who refused to “pay their fair share” of the costs to bring you the DNC Convention and all its lies and pandering (not to mention the complete face plant with all those anti-Israel and anti-Providence boisterous boos), is 20 MILLION DOLLARS in debt and has 1/18 (one eighteenth) the cash on hand as the RNC.

The Charlotte DNC Committee is 12.5 MILLION DOLLARS in debt and cannot get any money from higher up, and is depending on people to contribute money for an event that already took place.

The Unions have spent tens of millions of dollars they couldn’t afford, only to lose the elections they had to win in order to zombify their dead Union Dues — to — Democrat Election machine. All the while, watching their Union Dues dry up as newly liberated people used their liberation to extricate themselves from the Union leeches.

In short, all those whose goals would necessarily impoverish America are, themselves, becoming impoverished. Their money-making outlets are drying up. They’re going deep into debt, spending their future election money today. They’re losing their enslaved contributors. And they’re losing the elections. All the while, they’re refusing to support one another, as they each look out for their own selves. Which is typical of the sort of mindset that is necessary to be part and parcel of any of their various sub-groups. And the outyears will find them needing to cover costs for previous losing campaigns with their greatly reduced future money, leaving them less able in the future to spend the big bucks.

All the better for Conservatives. All the better for the poor. All the better for the middle class. All the better for small businesses. All the better for America!!!


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