Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Rule 5 Political Style

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/06/04

Sarah Palin and a Harley

Sarah Palin the happy thinker

Governors Nikki Haley, Mary Fallin, Susana Martinez

Michele Bachmann closely protected

Michelle Malkin

Megyn Kelly

And for you Liberals…

Helen Thomas

Gloria Steinem

10 Responses to “Rule 5 Political Style”

  1. AOTC said

    well, the conservative gals DO have the edge no doubt about that…
    i have a picture similar to sarah’s i used to ride once in awhile with my dad 35 years ago! he had a1979 Harley Davidson FLH 80, my pic not as good as sarah though . LOL

    one thing caught my eye, i did notice the sign gloria had.

    the “it’s not fair statement” speaks volumes.

    liberal mind thinks like that of an insecure child. the kind of children who do not have the benefit of parents who teach them how to navigate the reality of life. a reality that entails success as well as failure,health as well as sickness, friends as well as foes, riches as well as times of want. life as well as death.

    many people choose the liberal ideology because they have not been given the tools to live life. and not given those tools via a loving secure family or parental unit and ultimately given some thing to believe of higher power than themselves.

    liberal ideology exists to deny the [reality] of the human condition. to provide a “solution” albeit an insane, and totally impossible one.

    liberal ideology appeals to those who are orphans in a mental, emotional and spiritual sense.


  2. DNW said

    AOTC says:

    “the “it’s not fair statement” speaks volumes.

    liberal mind thinks like that of an insecure child. the kind of children who do not have the benefit of parents who teach them how to navigate the reality of life. a reality that entails success as well as failure,health as well as sickness, friends as well as foes, riches as well as times of want. life as well as death.

    many people choose the liberal ideology because they have not been given the tools to live life. and not given those tools via a loving secure family or parental unit and ultimately given some thing to believe of higher power than themselves. ”

    Two little boys were on a summer vacation trip. One was being good and the other not good. We told them (her two boys by the way LOL) that they must behave, and that there would be consequences if they didn’t. We toured some lakefront tourist trap, watched the canon shoot into the water, walked the parapets. One was good the other wasn’t. We later went into a moderately tony ice cream shop off the beach. They were both given ice cream. Sitting at the table one ate his properly, while the other played with his expensive treat and acted up in an attention seeking way. I took his ice cream and handed it to his mother. She rose from the table and deposited it in the trash. He sulked. So what.

    Next day we did a similar routine. The bad boy’s behavior was improved. We stopped for refreshments. It’s summer, it’s hot you boys may have ice cream again. The yesterday bad, but today somewhat improved, boy said regarding his brother,

    “How come he gets some too?”

    I said, “What? Why wouldn’t he?”

    “Because he had some yesterday”

    “You had some yesterday too, but it was taken from you because you misbehaved with it”

    “But if he gets some today it won’t be fair!”

    Thinking that this was a pretty remarkable thing for a seven year old to say, I decided to continue to argue with him, though I could see his mother wasn’t too pleased that I was looking at him like he was some kind of experimental subject.

    “So what do you mean by not fair? How isn’t it fair?”

    “It’s not fair because he gets more”

    “You mean the amounts?”

    “Yeah. He will get two and I only get one”

    “Why isn’t that fair?”

    “Because it won’t be even”

    “Why should it be even?

    “Because even is fair” he said completing the circle.

    “But it’s not even because of you, right?”

    No answer …

    “And why should it be even anyway?”

    “Because even is fair”, again.

    At this point his mother was becoming exasperated at seeing me as figuratively poking him with a stick just to see what reaction would ensue. So I proceeded to wrap up the interrogation.

    So I said, ” ‘Even’, means you having and doing everything that he has and does in the same amounts?”


    “Well, a couple of days ago you were allowed to eat warmed over pizza at the dinner table while your brother ate fish and peas and salad. It would be even if you were forced to eat the same thing, and then that would be fair, right?”


    “Why not?”

    “Because fair is only for the things you like …”

    I didn’t learn anything about ethics with that. But I did learn not to argue with a kid. Especially one that is probably genetically programmed to grow up as a liberal.


  3. AOTC said

    “Well, a couple of days ago you were allowed to eat warmed over pizza at the dinner table while your brother ate fish and peas and salad. ”

    that right there. the back story.

    was he customarily allowed exemption from meals he disliked, or was that a special treat?

    i wonder because aside from his having a rather strong opinion about the matter regarding to “fairness”, he obviously had no awareness of another concept, gratitude.


  4. AOTC said

    i forgot to add.. lol

    i have to admit my bias. we never got special privileges to have different meals if didn’t like what was for dinner.



  5. Dana Pico said

    Well, to be fair about it, Rachel Maddow is pretty good looking, but, then again, she’s interested in other good looking women. Maureen Dowd is very attractive, yet somehow, in all her years on earth, never could find a guy who’d marry her. CNN puts on the very handsome Anderson Cooper, but he’s just interested in other handsome men.

    And with a few days off recently, I have noticed that CNN’s AM has gone the way of Fox & Friends, putting leggy reporterettes in tight skirts where we can ogle their legs. Of course, CNN uses brunettes instead of blondes. 🙂


  6. […] Posts Rule 5 Political StyleTrying to peek inside …But, but, but, this wasn't supposed to happen if we raised the debt […]


  7. DNW said

    AOTC said
    2011/08/06 at 14:47 e

    “Well, a couple of days ago you were allowed to eat warmed over pizza at the dinner table while your brother ate fish and peas and salad. ”

    that right there. the back story.

    was he customarily allowed exemption from meals he disliked, or was that a special treat?

    i wonder because aside from his having a rather strong opinion about the matter regarding to “fairness”, he obviously had no awareness of another concept, gratitude.”

    My theory is that you provide them with the opportunity for proper nutrition and ample time to consume it, and let them experienced a bit of self-induced hunger if they refuse.

    It’s not a theory that everyone shares.

    This assumes that they are not actually mentally ill or something.

    In the particular instance, it was an extra indulgence since it was available and he had asked politely to be allowed to finish it off as an alternative.

    There’s a great deal more back story and subsequent development than even that. But then I’m not offering advice on raising kids; just commenting on the parallel sensibilities of the mind of one clueless child, and the minds of liberals in general.


  8. AOTC said

    oh no, dnw, i am sorry, i didnt mean to be prying or pontificating. helll, i dont have any kids!!! i merely ask questions about things because i dont know stuff.

    i was puzzled how after such a reasoned argument the kid still could not understand justice. but even more i was amazed that his conscience was not stirred by the pizza story into remembering the generosity of the treat and that it did not trigger gratitude. gratitude is a topic of great interest to me. i know it is important in how the political man thinks but my scatterbrain has trouble putting it in context

    again , sorry about the arrogant sounding post. if it helps, i take a fairly good size dose of anti seizure meds daily. i cant be held responsible for my actions. heh, will this get me off the hook?


  9. DNW said

    AOTC said
    2011/08/09 at 22:19 e

    oh no, dnw, i am sorry, i didnt mean to be prying or pontificating. helll, i dont have any kids!!! i merely ask questions about things because i dont know stuff.

    i was puzzled how after such a reasoned argument the kid still could not understand justice. but even more i was amazed that his conscience was not stirred by the pizza story into remembering the generosity of the treat and that it did not trigger gratitude. gratitude is a topic of great interest to me. i know it is important in how the political man thinks but my scatterbrain has trouble putting it in context

    again , sorry about the arrogant sounding post. if it helps, i take a fairly good size dose of anti seizure meds daily. i cant be held responsible for my actions. heh, will this get me off the hook?”

    You were never on the hook, AOTC. LOL Your questions are perfectly natural.

    The younger boy who is the subject of this observation, never really knew his father. And although I knew the boy socially from the time he was two or three, his mother pretty much had to raise him on her own, although she received considerable help in time, attention, and other, from her willing and I think it’s fair to say, affluent, parents.

    I don’t wish to speak ill of the dead, but the father (well-educated and from an upper middle class family of academics) was a serious alcoholic who died three or four years back – about the time of this story – of cirrhosis and complications, at the age of 38 or 9.

    So, for much of the intervening period – their separation until his death – he was a shadowy weekly telephone presence, a remote and unattainable Daddy figure offering no financial support, never seeing them, but, with his weekly court stipulated phone calls, holding out the vague promise of a reunion someday when he “quit smoking” or whatever he told them the problem was.

    There were some serious conversations out of their earshot I can say, about when and how to just tell them what the real problem was without destroying them emotionally or being vindictive toward him. Part of the need to do so was in response to his saying things such as that he would like to see the kids but was being prevented by the mother.

    We finally had to tell the questioning little boy to remind Daddy that he could in fact see them whenever he arranged it with the court.

    When they told him that he apparently went silent and then stumbled out something about doing so real soon.

    He didn’t and was dead a couple of months later. Sometimes I feel that my part in “calling him on the lie” or perhaps better, in making sure that it was known that he could put up or shut up with the excuses, may have been part of what sent him from a wobbly equilibrium into a death spiral.

    I have developed a very low tolerance in the last decade or so, actually even before, for substance abusers of any kind. They poison not only themselves but everything which and everybody who comes into contact with them.

    Did I tell you about Art Down’s and my mutual friend who was basically driven to her death by years of desperately trying to salvage a heroin addicted son?


  10. AOTC said

    what a sad story. ive heard many like that though. a few not too far from my own heart.

    mr aotc has two grown nephews that are substance abusers. interestingly these two guys have an amazing uncle: mr aotc has survived a crazy mother who abandoned him as a baby, a partially absent father, a deadly heart birth defect and complicated open heart surgeries at toddler and teen years. he had stroke, heart attack before puberty. he did have a grounded grandmother, and later the father did return. mr aotc did not see himself as a victim though. or desire to destroy himself. he has worked all his life, never complaining, always grateful. always glad to be alive. he is a decent honorable man. he loves his nephews but will not support or coddle them to destroy themselves. those young men [could] look to their uncle for a wonderful example of how to deal with unfortunate things in life, instead, they choose to take another path. they choose to try and force others to carry their burdens, to cry foul, they have become black holes of need and pity. they do admire mr aotc, but they love their own position of selfishness more and it blinds them to anything else. i would make a point that ironically they are liberals in their worldview. mr aotc has always been conservative. (take from it what you will)

    i am not exactly sure what causes one man choose joy and another choose hell on earth like these to grown boys have. they are both over 30 years old.

    what is ironic is that they cannot make the distinction that their uncle has not escaped the infirmity, tragedy, sickness, heartbreak loss or any of the things they bitterly complain about life not being fair….. yet mr aotc is content , has joy, deals with life’s difficulties with a far better method than the one they have and uses his time on earth constructively.

    loving others comes with pain and disappointment, people are human. but there is hope. real hope. it does make this “horizontal” dimension of life tolerable. we do love our grown nephews. but love cant make choices for people. mr aotc has hope for them. if not in this life, perhaps on into the next. he is content to leave it at that.

    “Child,” said the Voice, “I am telling you your story, not hers. I tell no one any story but his own.”
    — C.S. Lewis


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