Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

How Obama Loses In 2012: Obama’s Actions

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/06/04

This is a follow-up to my previous article. (Again, originating as a comment on The First Street Journal.)

According to the US Census Bureau, the fastest growing part of the US is the South (not to be confused with the southwest). And, with the Census Bureau’s delineations, the South consists of 38 percent of the US population. (There are four regions.) The Northeast and the Midwest combine for 122.2 million people. The South alone stands at 114.6 million people. And the West has 71.9 million people. And nationally, Democrats are pretty much giving up on the South as a whole, ceding basically 38 percent of the electoral college to Republicans right out the gate. That means Democrats must win the states in the other 3 regions basically 9 – to – 1 (by electoral college numbers). An 8 – to – 1 Democrat win in the other 3 regions would mean a Democrat loss nationally.

So, the Democrat Party, with Obama as its titular head, has given up on the South. How is he doing with the rest of the nation? Reports have him giving up on white, middle class blue-collar workers, who did a lot of work to get him elected in 2008. Oops. Lost votes, some of which will vote Republican this time and others who will not vote for President or will cast a protest vote for a Third Candidate. Baraka alienated a great many Catholics, who traditionally vote Democrat, by telling the Roman Catholic Church that it absolutely must commit immoral acts if it wants to continue its charitable work. Big oops. Baraka alienated a not-so-small number of black pastors, who lead black churches (and thus, their flocks give much heed to what they say) by declaring himself a homosexual “marriage” proponent. Big oops.

Now, while The RCC constituency which traditionally vote Democrat could very well swing Republican — doing great harm to Barack’s goal of winning a second Presidential election — the black church constituency will likely not vote Republican in any major way. There will be more blacks voting Republican this time around than last time (percentage-wise), as Obama won an historic 97 percent of the black vote (making blacks the most lock-step, monolithic voting sub-group in US history), but overall, this huge outcry of horror from black pastors will mostly suppress the black vote. Many of these black pastors, who hold sway in their churches, have declared they cannot, at all, vote for Obama, but they will not, at all, vote for a Republican. That leaves not voting or protest voting Third Party. And Obama loses those votes, without picking up any votes (only scads of cash from rampant radical Leftists).

Every step of the way, these past 3+ years, Obama has alienated one base sub-group after another, without adding a single sub-group to his re-election bid. Every state’s voting output will shift more Republican as a result. Every state. It’s only a matter of degree. It’s called “focusing on the margins” and it’s not looking good for Obama at all. However, it is looking very beneficial for the survival of the US.

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