Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

#TXSEN The Big Guns Come Out

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/07/26



Too sexually charged? Alright, try this one.



Too revolutionary? How about this, then?


Too violent? Okay, I give up.

Truth Before Dishonor endorsed Ted Cruz over all other candidates for US Senate (Texas) very early on, earlier than did Sarah Palin or most other notables. But Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint, Mark Levin all came out with early endorsements for Ted Cruz, while David Dewhurst, scuzzball that he is, tried to paint Ted Cruz as a commie-pinko-loving DC corruptocrat. Dewhurst used all manner of lies and misinformation to try to destroy Ted Cruz (the Chicago way) in a disgusting outburst of raw sewage.

David Dewhurst has tried to convince Texans that Ted Cruz is in bed with Communist China, a tool of the Chi-Coms. Ted Cruz. The son of a man who fled Cuba to get away from the Communist enslavement. Ted Cruz, who learned from his father that if the US fell, there would be no place on Earth to flee to. A ComSimp.


(You can read the entire transcript of Robert Stacy McCain’s exclusive interview from October 2011 I provided at the above link to The Other McCain.)

David Dewhurst has accused Ted Cruz of wrongfully siding with a Chinese Government owned company over an American company, destroying American jobs, and taking Chi-Com money to do it. It is disgustingly dishonest and intentionally deceptive, in order to try to convince the uninformed of a lie. That “American” company? The American who owns it pulled all of the manufacturing out of the US 20 years ago, moving it to Communist China! If any jobs were lost, those jobs would have been held by Chinese subjects of Communist tyranny, and not US citizens.

David Dewhurst claimed that Ted Cruz is bought and paid for — thus beholden to — DC insiders. Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint, Mark Levin. Washington insiders? Can David Dewhurst tell the truth at all about Ted Cruz? Who in their right minds would think Sarahcuda or The Great One would give their full support and their Star Power to a DC corruptocrat insider? Anyone? Anyone?

Why can’t David Dewhurst run on his record? Perhaps because his record stinks so bad that David Dewhurst is busily changing and scrubbing it. Dewhurst loudly and proudly advocated for full amnesty to all illegal aliens in Texas. And then, in a move many have proclaimed could be in violation of Texas Law, tried to have it stricken from the Official Record. Dewhurst pushed for a wage tax (that would be an income tax) for the income tax-free state of Texas, and has since tried to memory-hole that action. When a Sanctuary City bill (a bill that would eliminate all sanctuary cities in Texas — where illegals can run to and not fear deportation) was in the Texas Legislature, it was Dewhurst in his job as Lieutenant Governor who killed it, despite the overwhelming support for it. David Dewhurst’s record is abysmal for someone claiming to be the Conservative choice. That’s why the scuzzball cannot run on his record.

And David Dewhurst has gotten even more Dishonorable as the run-off election nears, and Dewhurst’s desperation begins to show full force. Many “in the know” have said that the race that was once supposed to be a coronation of the Republican Lieutenant Governor (who nearly got 50 percent of the vote in the Primary, which would have prevented a run-off) is now Ted Cruz’s to lose. So what does David Dewhurst do? He runs out and creates a totally dishonest sock puppet. From on July 7:

While Cruz maintains an active Twitter presence, Dewhurst’s personal Twitter account has been silent for more than a week and his official campaign account has tweeted just four times in the last eight days. Maybe that’s because Team Dewhurst is more focused on duping voters through misleading social media practices.

Blogger Kemberlee Kaye discovered that “TXSen Fact Checker,” a supposedly objective Twitter account “dedicated to fact-checking the claims in the race for U.S. Senate in Texas,” is actually a Dewhurst for Texas project.

All links go to a tumblr account with a matching name, which has a similar description as the twitter, “a microsite dedicated to fact-checking the claims in the race for U.S. Senate in Texas, launched to separate fact from fiction in the constant information flow concerning the July 31st run-off.” Once again, no mention of candidate affiliation, that is until you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page where, “Paid for by Dewhurst for Texas” appears in tiny print.

The Twitter bio for @TXSenFactCheck does not disclose the account’s affiliation with the Dewhurst campaign.

So are we clear on this yet? David Dewhurst is Dishonoring himself with his wholly dishonest attacks and his sockpuppetry in order to try to destroy Ted Cruz’s good name.

And the BIG GUNS have come out. In a very big way. Sarah Palin and Jim DeMint are going to a Ted Cruz rally in Houston on Friday. Glenn Beck will be at a Ted Cruz rally in Dallas on Thursday. Rick Santorum will be pounding the Texas pavement with Ted Cruz this weekend. Rand Paul is coming down to Texas to stump for Ted Cruz. Tea Party Express is all-in for Ted Cruz.

When you have powerhouse names in the Constitutional Conservative movement going all-in in support of Ted Cruz, how is a dishonest schemer such as David Dewhurst supposed to paint Cruz as a RINO ComSimp DC insider and it actually, you know, stick? Only with the uneducated will Dewhurst’s dishonest attacks work.

One Response to “#TXSEN The Big Guns Come Out”

  1. […] will Dewhurst’s dishonest attacks work. _________________________ Originally published on Truth Before Dishonor Filed under 2012 Election, Conservative, Culture and Society, Dirty Tricks, Elections, […]


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