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Posts Tagged ‘Obama’s Socialist associations’

But It’s The Gimmicks That Get The Votes!

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/03/06

Ed Morrissey writes:

So much for a fast start to the recover[y] in 2012. A week after announcing the worst durable-goods orders report in three years, the Commerce Department’s report on factory orders and shipments in January show the worst outcome in sixteen months[.] [pdf]

He then explains why — gimmicks which caused people to make their already-planned purchases earlier than they had planned. And he explains why there will be no robust or sustained recovery anytime soon:

Thanks to the ambiguity of tax policy, energy prices, and regulation in the marketplace, perhaps especially the ambiguity in regulations like Dodd-Frank and ObamaCare, capital investors can’t price long-term risk at all. That means that they can’t make informed decisions on capital investment for business expansions and new-business creation, and so their capital stays on the sidelines. Until we quit tinkering with gimmicky, temporary tax breaks and reform the long-term tax codes, we’re not going to see robust and sustained economic growth.

But you see, those are Conservative fixes, nominally Republican fixes, and they won’t get any votes from the Democrat base or the ignorant (do research the dictionary definition of the term) voters, who easily fall for gimmicks out of their own ignorance. And besides, as I have repeated multiple times in the past, Barack Obama is not at all interested in a recovery and a return to robust economic growth; such would devastate his goal of turning the Free Market capitalist Republic into a Socialist tyranny. Obama learned at the feet of Cloward, Piven, Alinsky, Marx, and many other extreme radical Leftists (many who were Soviet operatives, others died prior to Obama’s learning at their feet, but learn, he did) (HT Patterico’s Pontifications and Hot Air).

No, Obama does not want to fix the economy. He wants to Cloward-Piven the government and the economy, so the Greece-on-the-Potomac can collapse, the US economy can collapse and people will be clamoring for the Red Dawn of the coming Socialist tyranny Obama wants to usher forth here in this country. But Obama needs to keep the lemmings placated. He needs to keep selling his snake oil and pretending to be trying to do something in order to keep his job, so he can do his best to complete the destruction of the US from (ostensibly) within.

The gimmicks will only further delay any recovery or robust growth, and anyone with a lick of sense knows this. But the gimmicks will garner a lot of votes from the rabid Left and the ignorant, while simultaneously capsizing the Ship of State. And that’s why he’s doing it.

Posted in Character, economics, Elections, funny business, Health Care, Liberal, Obama, Over-regulation, Philosophy, politics, Socialists, society, Tax, truth | Tagged: , , , , | 2 Comments »