Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Binyamin Netanyahu: “Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?”

Posted by Dana Pico on 2012/09/16

From Karen, the Lonely Conservative:

‘A New Standard for Human Stupidity’

September 16, 2012

We now have to look to foreign leaders to hear some common sense. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared on Meet the Press this morning, saying things that make sense. I’m surprised his comments weren’t cut.

Continuing his calls for the United States to join Israel in imposing “red lines” threatening military action if Iran continues to pursue weapons made from enriched uranium, Netanyahu told David Gregory that “Iran is guided by a leadership with an unbelievable fanaticism.”

“It’s the same fanaticism that you see storming your embassies today,” he added. “Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?”

He then lamented that some in the American press have vocalized opposition to Israel’s desired end to an Iranian nuclear program: “I mean I heard some people suggest, David — I actually read this in the American press — they said, ‘Well, you know, if you take action, that’s a lot worse than having Iran with nuclear weapons. Some have even said that Iran with nuclear weapons would stabilize the Middle East, stabilize the Middle East.”

“I think the people who say this have set a new standard for human stupidity,” he said of those opponents.

No wonder Obama doesn’t want to meet with him.

The Other McCain has more.

Bob Woodward made a very important observation on Meet the Press, that our intelligence information, that everyone’s intelligence information, is often not as accurate as they’d like to believe it is. The most well-known failure of intelligence was when the United States believed, wholeheartedly, that Iraq retained old, and was building new, chemical weapons in 2002, but it was hardly the only one. Mr Woodward stated that any claims that anyone knew, for certain, exactly how far along Iran was toward building nuclear weapons were foolish; their intelligence estimates might happen to be dead-on accurate, but they could also be very far off.

That, of course, brings up the very old military question: do you prepare for what you believe is the worst your enemies could do, or for what you believe they are most likely to do? For Israel, a nuclear-armed Iran is an existential threat, and the answer, for most intelligent people, would be that they must prepare for the worst Iran could do; if it turns out that they overprepared, then they will have wasted time and effort and money, but their nation will endure. If they decide to base their preparations on what they think their enemies are most likely to do, and they guess wrong, the consequences could be devastating.

And that is why, to Prime Minister Netanyahu, the notion that there is anything worse than an Iran armed with nuclear weapons “set(s) a new standard for human stupidity.” Armchair strategists who have the responsibility for nothing have the luxury of theorizing about what might or could or should or probably will or will not happen; the men with the actual responsibility of protecting their nations’ actual survival don’t have that luxury.

9 Responses to “Binyamin Netanyahu: “Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?””

  1. […] survival don’t have that luxury. ________________________________________ Cross-posted on TRUTH BEFORE DISHONOR. (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) […]


  2. […] Before Dishonor – Binyamin Netanyahu: ‘Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons? submitted by The Colossus of […]


  3. […] Before Dishonor – Binyamin Netanyahu: ‘Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons? submitted by The Colossus of […]


  4. […] Before Dishonor – Binyamin Netanyahu: ‘Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons? submitted by The Colossus of […]


  5. redwood509 said

    It is assumed that Israel has every solution in its limited arsenal that could deliver a pin pointed, laser like one blow that will take out the entire Teherani cancer. Those who served in any military capacity, knowing what Israel has or not, just look at the obstacle course, the number of hurdles, the complexity of the mission and the ability to sustain the mission until it is carried through, and the damages that will have to be endured within the israeli community, hits on property, injured, biological threats, suffocation in shelters, bombing, terrorist attacks by Hams, Hizaballa, including possible kidnappings in the middle of all the action. People assume that Israel has every aspect under 100% control. It never happens like this. Those who remember and lived through the 1973 war or the 2006 war know that failures comes first. The casualty numbers become demoralizing, the economic damage becomes unbearable for many years. This is not a game Bibi plays with when he wakes up, it is an existential threat which has to be confronted, but light chats and idle talk is not the answer.


  6. […] Before Dishonor – Binyamin Netanyahu: ‘Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons? submitted by The Colossus of […]


  7. […] Before Dishonor – Binyamin Netanyahu: ‘Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons? submitted by The Colossus of […]


  8. […] Before Dishonor – Binyamin Netanyahu: ‘Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons? submitted by The Colossus of […]


  9. […] Comments Nom Nom Nom | on Binyamin Netanyahu: “Do you wa…John Hitchcock on Communism, Socialism, Progress…Jack Morgan on Communism, Socialism, […]


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