Truth Before Dishonor

I would rather be right than popular

Thinking Aloud, Radically

Posted by John Hitchcock on 2009/09/21

Here’s a radical idea. How about we create two new states within the contigual United States? No new land will be added, just an adjustment in state lines, which adds two states. First we let New York City and Long Island separate from New York State and form its own state. Second, we divide California in half, longitudinally, separating the coast from the interior.

That would allow the liberal bastions free reign to do what they want, unfettered by conservative values. And it would allow conservatives to have greater say in what happens to the rest of the (current) state, free of the weight of a limited sector of the (current) state.

I predict the two liberal states would quickly fall into disrepair while the two conservative states would greatly improve their condition. Re: North Korea v South Korea.

And, I’m one who believes Puerto Rico should become either a state or an independent country. No more “US Territory” for them.

6 Responses to “Thinking Aloud, Radically”

  1. foxfier said

    Eastern Cali gets dibs on San D, and you got a deal….

    Shoot, expand the division straight up through Oregon and Washington and you’d have even more delighted folks.


  2. Adara said

    Michigan would benefit if Detroit became its own state too. Silly yellow blob on the map. Sounds like a plan to me.


  3. John Hichcock said

    Can we give Detroit to Canada?


  4. Laura said

    How about the whole state of Michigan?


  5. John Hichcock said

    Oh, girly, you gonna get Adara mad at you. Not all of Meatchicken is evil. Some are Buckeye fans. You can’t throw out all of the state of Meatchicken because of those true believers, daughter of mine.


  6. Dana said

    You know, Laura, it seems that almost all of the commenters here have their own gravatar picture to be displayed. As the daughter of the site boss, you really need one! 🙂


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